Welcome to Highway to Scale - a podcast in which we explore the ins and outs of business success. In each episode, we'll be interviewing CEOs, executives and managers from young successful companies that are making it big on the market.
Hi guys,
Does it seem like all the startups you hear about come from the US? We wanted to shed light on the European ones which are very successful too.
In the Highway to Scale podcast you can learn from other CEO's and speed up your company growth. Listen to interviews with entrepreneurs and CEOs from various European companies.
In the first 5 episodes we sat down with:
Gilles Bertaux, CEO Livestorm
James Isilay, CEO Cognism
Evgeny Chamtonau, CEO Spoko.app
Lubomila Jordanova, CEO Plan A
Mathijs Eefting, CEO Moteefe
Listen to all the episodes here -> https://highwaytoscale.buzzsprou...