Luis Gabriel Martins

Tesla Powerbank - A Tesla supercharger for your phone!

Tesla Powerbank is a 3350mAh battery with integrated USB and Apple lightning and detachable micro USB.

Probably not the best option in the market but it sure looks nice with the Tesla aesthetics. The integrated usb and lightning is great too.

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Finally I can buy a Tesla.
Seriously? 3350 mAh? Come on! Could not Tesla do something better?
Dainis Kanopa
@sofocles we don't know if there gonna be 3350D with ludicrous charging mode as well.
Dwayne Charrington

As more and more consumers purchase USB-C devices, the need for a USB-C compatible charger becomes the norm. That coupled with the fact that phones are shipping with large capacity batteries, this Tesla charger would be lucky to charge an average phone once before going flat. You couldn't even charge an iPad Pro let alone a standard iPad with this, it's basically useless.

Very disappointing from Tesla, to say the least. It's just releasing a product with a known brand name for the sake of marketing, not actual usefulness. I've received powerbanks like this for free at tech conferences with similar power capacity. If you want a decent portable battery, get an AUKEY 30000mAh or Anker PowerCore+ 20100 which both support USB-C and can charge many devices before needing to be replenished. And, those aforementioned chargers will only cost you a little bit more monetary wise than the Tesla battery which is way overpriced for what it is.

Love you Elon and Tesla, but this is embarassing.


It looks nice


No USB-C and capacity is low. Does not compete with the standard set by the likes of Anker. Way too expensive.

Kesava Mandiga

A Tesla product is expected to be innovative, high-performing and aesthetically pleasing. This checks two of three boxes as there is no real innovation. A huge minus is that it doesn't have a USB Type-C port for the growing list of Android smartphones that sport one.


Looks cool!


No USB Type-C

Grégoire Méker
Is that upvoted just because it's Tesla? I don't see why this would make it to Product of the day...
Ryan Hoover
This is the first Tesla product I would actually buy. 😊 Not because I wouldn't love to own a Tesla car. I don't need a vehicle in SF.
James Sung
Actually for that size, 3350 mAh does look like a feat. Most power banks with 18650 sized batteries are under 2000 mAh. Fun fact, around 7000 of these same batteries power the car
Kevin Redman
@entrepreneurish Do you know if the pack uses 18650 or the 2170 (I don't even know if it's production ready)? Almost every 18650 I've bought has >2500mah (most of mine are 3300mah) so, I'm surprised there are 18650s rated below 2000mah.
@entrepreneurish The question is - are those powerbanks under 2000mAh at 5V (USB output) or at 3.7V (nominal lithium cell voltage)? @kevin_redman stated capacity is one thing, how much it actually has and retains over time is whole another. Actual, not stated 3350mAh is a very good number for 18650 cell. And yes, the thing uses 18650, just checked the product page.
Charles Magnuson
A similar product from Anker is only $20:
Jack Smith
@magnuson Anker is legit
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Tkachenko Arthur ~UA~
Tesla must pay bills, so upvote from me. Will i use it? Nope
Product Pearson
"Probably not the best option in the market but it sure looks nice with the Tesla aesthetics. The integrated usb and lightning is great too." That's an opinion, not a description.
Jack Smith
@theashtube seems pretty accurate though
Simon Bromberg
Why is the micro USB detachable? It says "integrated USB" so I assume that means you recharge it by plugging it directly into a USB wall adapter? Weird that they didn't show that in the pictures.
Gerry Giacoman Colyer
This is pretty, but how fast does it do 0-60 mph?
Captain Suleiman
Looks like there is no USB-C :/ Derp!
Rajat Sinha

What more?


Design is pretty cool.


3350 is way too low for a powerbank.

Greg Hodson
Snazzy. However, no USB-C and only 3350mAh..
It’s just cool!
Danny Aziz
Many people have said it and I'll say it again, only 3350 mAh? You can make a family car drive itself, a truck powered by electrity, and a supercar but you can't put more juice in this bad boy?
Matt Gardner
No shipping to Canada :( Would have been a fun Christmas gift for tech friends.
Patrick Coombe
I've been waiting for Tesla to put out a consumer battery. A little disappointed as soon as I saw it because it just looks like a re-branded gadget. Most portable charger enthusiasts are a bit let down when the cables are integrated. We should have the freedom to use our own cables. a little whack I say. at the very least I'd be expecting Qualcomm quick charge 3.0 as well as USB 3.0 in and out capability. in short: mer. full disclosure I'm in the charger biz ( but am not a manufacturer