Ben Tossell

Outsite - Flexible co-living membership for $99/year

Outsite operates coliving/coworking spaces around the world. For just $99/year you can now access Outsite's global network from NYC to Hawaii (with more locations coming soon) at member's rates, as well as an active community and great perks!

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Ben Tossell
Looking to design my life to what I want it to look like in 12-18 months time. Being free to live in different locations for a month or more is one of the key parts of that so I'm SO keen on Outsite. Great sounding locations! How about one in Australia too? :)
Ivan X
Big hey, @bentossell I am also looking for life designers. Any chance i could talk to you via pm?
Emmanuel Guisset
@bentossell Sidney, Melbourne or Byron Bay?
Rich Peterson
@bentossell @manuthan In terms of costs, it would be Byron Bay < Melbourne < Sydney. In terms of weather it would be Byron Bay > Sydney > Melbourne. In terms of access to start-up culture it would be Melbourne/Sydney > Byron Bay.
Ben Tossell
@manuthan melbourne and then byron. I have family in sydney ;)
Emmanuel Guisset
I am the founder and CEO of Outsite. Proud of this new membership as the team and I spent a lot of time talking to users and selecting the locations. I personally staid at all of them and you will find me most of the time between Venice Beach and San Diego! Hope to see you there!
Hector G Sigala
@manuthan was the promo vid filmed in Venice or San Diego? Extremely difficult to find one person of color in your vid or on your site. With all this new tech sprouting recently to cater to certain groups, have to ask: was this intentional?
Ryan Mark
@manuthan @hgsigala What do you think? You think people sat around a table and said, "let's only cast white people"? The more likely explanation is that they used people they knew because they're a startup and that's cheaper. Maybe their friends are white. They don't seem to be a massive company, cut them some slack.
Emmanuel Guisset
@hgsigala @ryanwmark Of course it was not intentional.. That video was shot with current guests staying at the Venice location. If you look at our members profile on our home page, you will see that's it's pretty diverse... Not to mention, we have one Puerto Rican woman in our founding team...
Jarod Zhang
I think you need to rewrite/clarify what's included for the 99$ flex membership, right now it seems to be very confusing.
Emmanuel Guisset
@jarodise description updated! Thanks for the feedback!
Jarod Zhang
I honestly didn't see too much difference before and after, I think you really need to clarify the fact that the 99$ only gets you the discount, not the "unlimited access", since the latter term can be very misleading, you should also clarify how long of a nomadlist membership comes with it, 1 year? 2 years? or lifetime.
Jonathan Baillie Strong

Fantastic concept for nomads - I stayed at the Outsite location in Venice Beach, LA and was blown away by how well the space was designed, complete with standup desks and surf boards one could borrow to take to the beach. I notice that the flex membership gives access to the Nomad List slack group in addition to all the discounts and perks as well, so it's a win win!


Beautifully designed spaces - ideal for remote workers


Needs to expand further abroad

Ryan Hoover
If I understand correctly, you're limiting the $99/mo plan to 100 people. How many nights can they stay or is it unlimited?
Stijn Beauprez
@rrhoover the amount of nights they can stay is unlimited, however we are not a long-term housing solution and prefer people to hop around our locations.
Nicole Fu
@rrhoover $99/yr* (:
Ryan Hoover
@nicolejfu oh, wow. Per year? How are housing providers getting paid? One night might cost >$99.
Pier 🍉
@rrhoover @Stijnbe Yeah also not sure what the offer is exactly?
Emmanuel Guisset
@rrhoover @stijnbe @pyer Outsite operates coliving spaces around the world. We are launching a membership that allows you to stay at any of our locations at special rates (compare to our normal rates) + access to last minute offers+ others perks. We control/operate all our locations so we don't depend on property owners or third party partners. Yes 100 spots only!
mahoney turnbull
Emmanuel ! Want to do this badly - heading to Lisbon soon and like Pierre, super keen on more European hubs ---> Berlin and paris obvi would be great too !
Andrey Azimov
Super confusing what I will get for $99 / year. Unlimited membership in coworking spaces are one the world and rent? Or access to verified coworking spaces or what?
Emmanuel Guisset
@andreyazimov for 99$/year you get access to our network and community at member's prices. (from $40/night to $90/night depending on the location). That's for our own coliving/coworking spaces that we fully operate.
Andrey Azimov
@manuthan aha so I pay first 99$ and after I have like an access to discounted list of colorings / coworking as $40 - $90/night? Because usually it's more expensive then $40 - $90/night?
Emmanuel Guisset
@andreyazimov The coliving/coworking are all Outsite operated spaces. Think of it as a a cooler/smaller version of Wework+bedrooms.
Pierre Becerril
Interesting new product. I have been using your spaces when traveling several times to LA, NYC and Puerto Rico and really loved the concept. Amazing properties, perfect locations, sweet amenities and great vibe! Will you open any European location soon? Would love to be able to use your services over here too.
Emmanuel Guisset
@pierrebecerril Thanks Pierre! Yes we are. Hopefully Lisbon early next year!
Rodolphe Dutel

(Disclosure: I'm an advisor) I've seen Outsite evolve since 2015, today is last day of my month-long stay at their NYC location. I had a great experience, it fills a need that neither Hotels nor Airbnb could help me with - which is high hospitality AND community standards in amazing locations, go Outsite!


Love the chilled yet professional vibes, a great way to meet like minded people in amazing locations - would totally recommend


Open more locations in Europe ;)

Sammy Schuckert
Really like to see Outsite evolving. I count my stays at Outsite locations to one of the best experiences I've had working abroad. Looking forward to more awesome locations around the globe and my next stay in Hawaii. Keep on rockin' guys!
Emmanuel Guisset
@sammyschuckert I might join you in Hawaii!
thank you @sammyschuckert ;) hope to see you around again too ;)
Adrien Montcoudiol
Congrats for this update Outsite team! This is a game changer 🙌
Pam Pam Cat

I have stayed multiple days/times in 2 places in California so far : Venice, Santa Cruz. They both were the perfect combination of work / social activities / great housing / outdoor scenery

As a Digital Nomad, I go to a place where I can work in peace, but have people to hang out with and feed my curiosity. It's an mature/adult place with fun and amazing people and beautiful places to discover. I am a big fan and will continue to stay at Outsite places. I feel like the Outsite concept has grasped very well what the professional + nomadic + freelance lifestyle is all about.


Amazing proprety and crowd


not for non-nomadic crowd

Tim Van Ransbeeck

With our digital team ( we resided at Encinitas & Venice Beach. Both locations we're awesome!


great experience on multiple locations. Also great for group retreats!


didn't try any alternative

Christian Meisser

I have stayed with Outsite many times for the consistent experience they provide: Focused work environment with great options for socializing and outdoor sports if you feel like it


Great community, very beautiful locations


Looking forward to EU locations!

My favourite choice for remote work in the US. I’m a big believer in this model, it works for me perfectly, and it would be growing like crazy in the next years, I can assume. Locations are perfect 👌🏻 Santa Cruz, San Diego and Tahoe were my favourites, looking forward to checking out the new ones. But most important is the emphasis on the community. Open for everyone, but bringing together the right people, who are looking for new experiences and willing to help each other. I usually travel alone, so for me, the community is the key. Really excited to explore the new model.
Sammy Schuckert

I stumbled upon Outsite a year ago. Since then I stayed at the locations in Santa Cruz, San Diego, and Lake Tahoe. The Outsite locations are the best places for escaping your daily grind and networking with open-minded people from all around the globe. I count my stays at Outsite locations to one of the best experiences I've had working abroad. This is why I can't wait until the end of this month when I'm finally staying at their new location in Hawaii! 🏄 🌴


The best places for escaping your daily grind and networking with open-minded people from all around the globe. 🏔🌅🏝😻


Would like to see new locations in Europe and Asia. 🗺🙀

Georgi Georgiev ✌
Anything in Europe anytime soon?
Emmanuel Guisset
@ggeorgiev Yes! should open 3 European locations next year!
Nick Neuman
First I want to say - great branding, website, and video. It makes me want to pick up and go check these places out right now :). So from what I can tell on the website, it looks like there is the $99 membership fee, and then you also pay per night. Who is your target market? Are you looking for digital nomads that want to stay at one of your locations for multiple weeks at a time? Business travelers who don't want to stay in a hotel, but want a place they know will be equipped with adequate working conditions (aka not taking a gamble on an Airbnb)? Vacationers who may need a place to work on occasion during their stay? It seems like this could be useful for all 3 types of people, but each brings a very different style of community. I could also see this getting expensive for long-term digital nomad stays based on the nightly prices on the website.
Emmanuel Guisset
@nneuman Great feedback! Yes we target digital nomads but we found there is a bigger market for people that have flexible work schedule and want to enjoy their freedom to travel more. We do also host quite a few business travelers that like the consistency and community part we offer. We try not to have pure vacationers as they don't really blend in with the concept.
Nick Neuman
@manuthan Nice! What's the average amount of time someone stays in one of your spaces?
Emmanuel Guisset
@nneuman Depends on the location and personas. NYC is a month on average. Santa Cruz, Venice and San Diego more like 1-2 weeks!
Dan Pierson
Outsite Santa Cruz + Venice are on my list for next trip to West Coast. So impressive what their team has been able to do - this is a super challenging business and they are executing at a very high level.
Ashok Kamal
Outsite is a true community with a different, more intimate user experience than other coliving/coworking spaces. The properties are big enough to have all the amenities, both shared and individual, yet small enough that you get to know everyone.