Michael Seibel

Overwatch Data - Intelligently monitor news + social media

Move beyond Google Alerts or keyword tools with Overwatch Data, a no-code, AI-driven platform. Get tailored news & social insights effortlessly. It's like having a team of analysts sifting through info, delivering you the gems!

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Arjun Bisen
We’re thrilled to share our AI-powered monitoring platform. Whether you want to understand a fast moving issue or industry, gauge sentiment around brands, or track global events, we’ve got you covered. We go a step further than basic monitoring by answering the “so what?“. Our platform’s features—like the executive summary, clustering, geolocation, and entity extraction—deliver actionable insights directly to you. Back in the day, Tad, Zara, and I spent countless hours combing through news, social media, and dark web data, searching for insights for risk and strategy teams at Google, Stripe, the Foreign Service, and DOD. Those experiences fueled us. You can watch a clickthrough demo here: https://app.storylane.io/share/1... OR see first hand how our simple onboarding form can create a powerful command center - just log into this sample profile for Delta Airlines using the below credentials: Website: https://app.overwatchdata.io/ Username: delta_test@overwatchdata.io PW: ILoveOwls
Maria Anosova 🔥
@arjun_bisen Congrats on the launch! 🎉 Idea is gold and very actual.
Arjun Bisen
@maria_anosova thank you Maria! Appreciate the vibes!
Zara Perumal
Let's go!!
Igor Sha
Absolutely thrilled, guys! My congrats! I have a couple of ideas: eliminate possible duplicates to make the feed cleaner, and add an additional filter specifically for activities/industries/sectors mostly impacted by insights discovered, such as forex/crypto trading, realty, healthcare, etc. Readily available and proven correlation is always valuable, and this would allow to tailor interests and narrow down insights searches, as sometimes, sifting through 1K+ news can be overwhelming. @arjun_bisen, what do you think?
Arjun Bisen
@igor_ayko I totally agree - we actually cluster all related articles into a single card to help cut through the noise. If you log into the sample account, you can take a look - would love your feedback on whether this is what you had in mind.
Congratulations to the creators of Overwatch Data on this exceptional achievement!
Arjun Bisen
@dilancelik thanks Dilan!
This is a great idea. I'll have to watch all of the news everywhere all at once!
Deepak Singla (springy)
Such a slick product
Ibrahim Ashqar
Austin Beveridge
We love what the overwatch team is building. Keep it up!!
Zara Perumal
Thanks @austin_l_beveridge !! We appreciate it
Basile Senesi
Couldn't think of a more relevant time to announce this. The world is complex and getting more complicated by the day, and sorting through the noise to make good decisions is increasingly difficult. From geopolitics to fraud risks to local effects of macroeconomic trends, companies and people are either cherry picking data to make half informed decisions, or paralyzed by indecision in the face of way too much data. Overwatch has done a killer job improving the signal/noise ratio and helping global actors make decisions more confidently. Great work, and great team!
Zara Perumal
Thanks @basile_senesi !! We appreciate it
Charley Ma
Congrats on the launch! Excited to try it out myself - and also love all the owls :)
Arjun Bisen
@charleyma Thanks Charley! We're owl about it ;)
Willem van den Bosch
Kudos to @arjun_bisen and team on the launch - this platform will be critical for large multinationals, enterprises, and governments as the volatility of geopolitics, supply chain disruptions, and potential threat vectors becomes increasingly complex.
Arjun Bisen
@willem_vdb Thank you! We're glad to have you with us!
Ish Baid
This team is incredible and they've built a game-changing product with Overwatch. Can't wait to see where this goes!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Eithiriel DeMerè
Hi team! 🩷 So would you say this your product addresses use cases for social listening for market research purposes? Thank you! 😊
Zara Perumal
Hi @nikkielizdemere yea! We've seen this he a great use case for the tool. The clustering can help group together similar posts on the same issue or narrative and the custom categorization can help distinguish the different types of narratives relevant for you.
Arjun Bisen
@nikkielizdemere Hi Eithiriel, yes that’s right!
Naren Manoharan
Congrats on the launch. This is super helpful for real time financial crime monitoring. I can see banks and fintech companies getting a lot of benefit using this over other methods! Way to go 🚀
Ted Chai
Given all the noise out there in the news, this looks killer for extracting the signal. Very curious to try it out and see the "so whats".
Nico Aguilar
Hey Overwatch Data team - I'm super impressed with your product and demo! I especially like the dashboard and how the data can be visualized and segmented. Congrats on the launch!
Matthias Strafinger
@matteo_berchier could be google alerts on steroids.
Arjun Bisen
@matthias_strafinger that’s what we’re hoping!
Kudos to the Overwatch Data team on the Producthunt launch! Your AI-driven platform sounds like a game-changer for no-code enthusiasts. What if you also included a feature for sentiment analysis on those social insights? It could provide an even deeper understanding of a brand's perception. Fantastic job guys and good luck!
Arjun Bisen
@manmohit Hi Manmohit, we can currently bucket posts into categories like ‘positive sentiment towards Delta’ and ‘negative sentiment towards Delta’. You can take a look on the sample profile - in case this lines up with what you were thinking
Esus 🛡️
Woah! Looks sweet! Great b2b offer. wrt feedback, just fyi: The link over the header text 404's for me. Link text: What's new | Freeform chat with your open-source intelligence → Link: https://www.overwatchdata.ai/blo...
Arjun Bisen
@esus oh great spot 🤦🏾! Thanks. Will fix this now.