World is remote!
Working outside a traditional office environment is the new norm! This is perfect timing to bring such services to employees and employers. Distributing wealth and raising income levels of all economies around the world, will drive further innovation, disruption and services.
Good luck Tony!
Today, you can hire team members from all around the world.
...But once they are hired, how do you pay them?
The last thing we want is to treat remote workers as second class citizens... Remote payroll should be easy, fair to all and compliant.
I'm excited to see the Oyster team build a platform addressing employment, pay and benefits!
Thank you Rodolphe for sharing Oyster.
We created Oyster because we believe that by reducing barriers to cross-border employment we can create equal access to job opportunities. You can learn more about our mission here.
We are now accepting requests for early access for both employers and remote workers and looking for purpose driven people to join us to build the future of work. See our job board here. N
@2hp Hi Jack. Your DM's don't seem to be open on Twitter. I think that you'd need to follow me for me to be able to DM you (or enable them to be open in your settings):
NBCUniversal Checkout
Hustle X
Hustle X