Kirill Kharitonenko

PadStats - Easiest way of tracking and analyzing your daily activities.

PadStats will help you to track and analyze your daily activities or daily routine. The advantage of our app is tally-based activity tracking. This feature allows data to be more user-oriented and statistics to be more accurate.

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Thanks for hunting @kh_k_o @alexander_gurov who doesn't love a bit of data 🤓- please tell us more about what insights you give users from the data collected?
Kirill Kharitonenko
@abadesi Thank you! Actually, at the moment we are giving users space for creation and customization. In fact we don’t collect any personal information from the users' smartphones, so all conclusions are made by users. We have a hypothesis that it might be useful for users to have an ability to download CSV-file for with their statics. Also we can add an algorithm that will provide correlation statistics, for example: types of food you eat during the day and stomach ache, correlations of this events can help you with your primary allergy research. Are you interested in this type of personal statics? But anyway, even now you can find useful information about yourself. The most common insight we have got from our users is that tracking several activities during the day or week improves personal productivity. And how do you think what insight you may get?
Pablo Fernández
This looks interesting. What sort of integrations do you currently have or do you have planned?
Kirill Kharitonenko
@pupeno Unfortunately, now we haven't got any integrations. But we are really into Maybe you have some preferences connected with integrations?
Alice Novikova
Hi, product hunters! We've made some changes to improve PadStats: - We've added authorization to let users login from different devices. It makes the app more stable and protects users from losing their notes - We've added a new tutorial to make getting started easier - We improved notifications: now you can use Padstats for reminders Developing Padstats our team has gained a lot of experience and we think we're ready to do something really new. Nowadays we are working on customer development and planing pivot. What do you think about Padstats? What would the next step you do, if you were us?