@mertnesvat Hi Mert, thanks for checking out Page00 .. where did you face bugs ? Website / Android App / iOS App ? Please help us point the bugs, so that we can fix them asap. Thanks again.
Like the idea, so far it seems like an easy one-page hosting solution for me. I can see myself publishing one-time content meant for a particular audience (e.g. tutorials for a class) that doesn't go into my other social platforms. What is Page00 trying to do exactly?
@dovizu I am writing excerpts from our conversation here: Yes, we want to develop a quick one page publishing platform, where you don't need to design/build/maintain a website or a blog .. We started with building solution for publishing pages for projects; but have now found users using it for many other purposes too. We are still learning and iterating things as we move forward .. let us know if you have any other feedback, etc. Thanks :)