The homepage for your favorite websites.
William Channer
Panda — Daily inspiration and news for designers.
Ryan Hoover
At first glance, I'm seeing a ton of awesome stuff. You seem to be working on several things, @WilliamChanner. What inspired Geisha?
Mike Bronfman
I took about 45mins to explore this product, and my conclusion is that i like it a lot. I would love to see it morph into a site, similar to Product Hunt - A daily leaderboard of design tools, github repos, etc.
Chris Thorne
And now, Panda - Dig it so far, very cool.
William Channer
Hope you find Geisha useful. Love to gather your thoughts!
William Channer
Just like you man :) Geisha was initially created by @ahmetsulek, I then came on board to do some of the designs. Most credit goes to him with coming up wit the original concept.
Ahmet Sülek
Can't wait to share the next version with you guys!
Brett Rakestraw
@ahmetsulek Panda is one of my favorite things on the web right now. I use it multiple times a day, every day. Can't wait to see it continue to grow.
Love it!
Panda is great Daily inspiration service.