William Channer

Panda 4 - An easy way to keep up with industry news and inspiration

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Brett Rakestraw
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love Panda. The newest version just brings more great headlines and creative inspiration to my browser.
Ahmet Sülek
@iambrakes Glad to hear! We're always extending our app listening to our users. So, ask for more!
Andrew Kennedy
@iambrakes @ahmetsulek Hey, big fan. For some reason I can't figure out how to toggle the content view ie it's on 'hacker', but was hoping could click a button and toggle like before?
Andrew Kennedy
@iambrakes @ahmetsulek ps please ignore, i am seeing the list pop-up when i click on icon. sorry, wasn't showing on 1st use.
Freddy Kelly
@iambrakes @ahmetsulek @bootstrapnyc I'm having the same confusion; how do I get to the pop-up you mention? edit: watched the video and worked it out, was looking all through the settings to try and change that - perhaps there's something you can do to make this a bit more intuitive?
William Channer
The new Panda includes more sources, different layouts, bookmarking and an improved preview mode. Did a quick video to explain what's new. What do you think of the new Panda?
Micah Baldwin
This app confuses me. Is it an RSS reader? I selected the "entrepreneur" theme, and was presented TC, Mash and AL in a three column layout. The second article in the TC column is one from 2008. Unsure of what the goal is of this onboarding process, but it totally lost me. @rrhoover it would be cool if makers could post an "elevator pitch" that pins to the top of the comments.
Ryan Hoover
@micah we've been considering adding a "sticky post" from the maker(s) at the top. I'll bump this back up in our to-do list. Thanks, Micah.
William Channer
@rrhoover @micah Thanks for pointing that out Micah. To answer your question, it's a news aggregator. It's not really an RSS reader as it's intentionally more restricted. To get a better idea, this is a nice write up by @napilopez from @thenextweb http://thenextweb.com/insider/20...
Franco Varriano
Great job with this new update @williamchanner & @ahmetsulek. You guys just keep delivering the wow :)
Clark Valberg
I've used Panda daily since the very beginning. Super efficient way to stay on top of news, with the added bonus of design inspiration.
Cihad Turhan
Great job @ahmetsulek, new design seems more useful and simple. Definitely trying it out.
Jack Smith
is it a mac app? The call to action on the site confuses me, as its supposed to be an app but just gives an email box and a 'subscribe' button. Subscribe to what?
William Channer
@_jacksmith Right now, it's just a web app and chrome extension. I assume you're looking at the site on your phone, if so, subscribe if you want to be notified about the iOS app. Make sense?
Tori Bunte
Can you opt out of certain sources? I don't want to read HN content.
@ahmetsulek How do you convert pubDate into user friendly time format ?
Mathilde Leo
Awesome product! A small thing, though: it seems like I'm not getting the latest product hunt stories. Is it a bug?
Atul Pradhananga
Hey @ahmetsulek! Been using Panda for months now. Loving it. I spend more time on my new tab now than any other website :D One feedback: Can you add the feature of upvoting, commenting & adding new hunts to a collection, from the Panda itself? I frequently find myself finding cool products/website at the product hunt column, going to their website and then visiting product hunt to upvote and add them to my collection. It would be super awesome if I could do those from Panda itself :)
Ahmet Sülek
@atulpradhananga you got it! Added to roadmap (some of them already existed on our roadmap) nice to hear that you're enjoying it ^^