Find the music you love, and let the music you love find you.
Chris Messina
Pandora Premium — The return of Rdio, by Pandora
Justin Gough
Long live Rdio!
Felipe Ricelle
Really love that they kept the most part of Rdio interface! Hope that's available in more countries when they launch
Adam DePasqua
I love this very familiar UI. Though, I'm pretty much married to Apple Music (because its built into most of my devices and the exclusives). This is so great to me. Glad to see the service that got me to start streaming live on.
Danny Fiorentini
Stoked for this. Rdio had best UI in the game so I'm glad they're reusing the look and feel of it.
Jason Diaz
Is this a new feature? I just recently cancelled my premium pandora due to the false advertisement of "unlimited" skips.
Mário Rui André
Will it be finally available globally?
@mruiandre I really hope so, too. Looks promising to me. Could see myself change from Apple Music to this.