Marc Seitz

Papermark - Open source DocSend alternative for secure document sharing

Papermark is the Open Source DocSend Alternative. Share your Pitch Deck, Sales Deck and any documents securely. Self-host it, or have it hosted by us. Features include custom domain and real-time analytics.

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Marc Seitz
It all started with one tweet and turned into the product we want to share with you today. Papermark is the ✨ Open Source DocSend Alternative ✨ It is the document infrastructure to share your documents securely with real-time engagement analytics. ☝️ Open Source First Papermark is 100% open-source and open to contributions. Host it yourself, fork it, modify it to your desire! Document infrastructure as never been so open and accessible! 👉 Papermark on GitHub: 📈 Real-time Analytics Get notified when your document was viewed and gain insights how your recipient engaged with it. ✨ Custom Domain Investors receive thousands of pitch decks per year. How do you stand out? Transform a cryptic, unprofessional link into an extension of your company. 👍 Use Cases - Startups: Know who viewed your pitch deck. - Sales: Qualify leads and get notified when a prospect views your presentation to follow up just in time. - Send any document securely with email and/or password protection. ⭐️ Community Open source thrives through community. We invite you to join the Papermark community as we are building the document infrastructure for the modern web.
Alexey Sytnikov
@mfts0 custom domain functionality is a banger! And I really loved the collaboration with other tools.
Marc Seitz
@alexey_sytnikov that's also my fave feature :)
Vikram Aditya
@mfts0 This is brilliant. I've been a fan of Docsend. And the custom domain functionality just adds the icing on top. Very curious though as to why you think Opensource is the right way to go here. Have you seen issues with Docsend's security?
Marc Seitz
@viks_rum we didn't create Papermark because of a security policy at DocSend. More like, open-source gives you more insights into how the documents are being used. And furthermore, as any software gets more complex as it grows, open-source allows other people to fork it and add / remove what they feel is more important to their business.
Vikram Aditya
@mfts0 I see. Having come from the world of DAOs, I've often seen most open-source contributions not adding significant value. Hey, but that said, I'm pro-Open Source myself. Very curious as to how you think about revenue when it comes to opensource projects?
Iuliia Shnai
Super excited to be a part of Papermark, and launch it today. I have been building companies and side projects last 4 years and learned how to code 6 months ago. So, I also just recently got into open source by building my first project using an existing open-source one. This is a whole new world, a fun new world. Papermark is close to my heart as I actively used Docsend as a founder. And always looked for a more fitting alternative for a number of reasons. But first of all because of lack of customization, lack of custom domain, and high pricing for the startup founders. So Papermark as an Open Source can be fully customizable, and more affordable. If there is a security reason you be able to host your documents on servers in the country you want.
@iuliia_shnai congrats for your launch! Papermark, with its open-source nature, it puts the power back in your hands. It's making waves, and I'm excited to see where it goes on Product Hunt! 🚀📂🔒
Marc Seitz
@iuliia_shnai @michelepomposo Thanks Michele for the support! The open source wave cannot be stopped! We're glad to open-source Papermark from day 1 on GitHub!
Iuliia Shnai
@michelepomposo Thanks Michele! Appreciate your support.
Iuliia Shnai
@juanfrank77 Thanks Juan! Really appreciate your support:) Happy to continue sharing and exchange ideas:))
André J
💎 Pixel perfection
Maybe move the GitHub repo to an org account? Since it's kind of sensitive content the product is managing etc? I dunno. usually I dont care but since the product is important etc. And also maybe add some kind of international tracking regarding organisation number, adds more legitimacy and accountability?
Marc Seitz
@sentry_co great suggestion André! Will happen later this week along with the roadmap release :) > add some kind of international tracking Do you mean company registration number?
André J
@mfts0 Yes. National or international. I know we had to convert our national to an international org nr when we got our apple org developer account for instance. A bit of work, but helps when people do due-dill. And people will as you want to avoid honey traps with these kinds of products. Also you can add it as a sales argument.
Marc Seitz
@sentry_co absolutely! The company already exists, need to add it in the right places to make it clear :)
Congratulations on the launch @mfts0 & @iuliia_shnai . DocSend is too costly for me. I'm going to try Papermark soon.
Iuliia Shnai
@mfts0 @sourabh_upreti Thanks for the support! That it 100% true. Papermark is free and can be also self hosted:) Check it:)
Marc Seitz
@sourabh_upreti Thanks Sourabh for the support! Open source always wins over closed source.
Alexey Sytnikov
@sourabh_upreti agree that it can be too expensive, especially for startups, to pay for something like Do send.
Didier Lopes
Damn, this is cool. Nice work Marc. I feel like the name of the product should be PaperMarc 😄
Marc Seitz
@didier_lopes Thanks Didier! That's missed opportunity with the name 😂
Iuliia Shnai
@didier_lopes 😂 That is what I also thinking, it would be more memorable:)
Shushant Lakhyani
This will be really helpful for secure document sharing for documents that have a lot of sensitive data. I wish you success for your launch! All the best!
Iuliia Shnai
@shushant_lakhyani Thanks Shushant:) I think it can be valuable for both sending Pitchdecks and Sales Decks and track exactly what people do:)
Marc Seitz
@shushant_lakhyani 100% agreed! That's why open-source is so important -- full transparency what happens with the document
Omar McPizza 🍕
Super Epic! Excited to send documents with actual good analytics
Marc Seitz
@omarmcpizza Thanks Omar! 🫶 Sending docs has never been more open 😉
Iuliia Shnai
@omarmcpizza So trueeee
Alexey Sytnikov
@omarmcpizza analytics is always a tricky part in products, here it is implemented in such a neat way!
Joseph Kim
Congrats, @iuliia_shnai I'm super excited for this project. Also, I'm a big fan of your hustle. Go get 'em champ!
Marc Seitz
@iuliia_shnai @joseph_maetel The best in town!
Iuliia Shnai
@joseph_maetel Thanks Joseph! Lets continue hustle:)))
Kalpesh Bhalekar
I've been in Sales for 7+ years, Enterprise SDR at Zoominfo and other small startups. It was a hassle to use DocSend and so many other expensive tools over the years. Companies charging as high as $250/month for very similar features. Absolutely love Papermark! Congratulations @mfts0 on launching this 💙
Marc Seitz
@kalpesh_bhalekar1 YESSS thanks for sharing your sales experience! 100% agree and I believe with open-source we are on track to solve these pain points 🔥
Iuliia Shnai
@mfts0 @kalpesh_bhalekar1 This is so true Kalpesh!
Marc Seitz
@kalpesh_bhalekar1 will be up on GitHub later this week
Tal Borenstein
Congratz Marc, this looks great! Gonna give it a try and perhaps reap off Docsend which is too pricy! 🚀
Marc Seitz
@talbo Thanks Tal 🫶 let's get more people to switch to open source
Ksenia Goron
Sounds so helpful and easy to use at the same time! Thank you for serving this tool as an Open Source!
Iuliia Shnai
@xeniagoron Thanks for support Ksenia! Now it can be fully customizable:))
Marc Seitz
@xeniagoron Ksenia, open source has given us so much that we want to give back what little we can! It was a natural decision to open source Papermark from day 1. We focus on ease of use and key interaction in this major release but we have a full roadmap planned 🚀
Ksenia Goron
@mfts0 completely agree with you regarding the Open Source approach. No doubt, you will achieve set goals :)
Sandra Djajic
Congratulations to @iuliia_shnai and the whole team on todays launch!! Great product for startups! Best of luck :)
Marc Seitz
@iuliia_shnai @sandradjajic Thanks Sandra! Looking forward to your launch as well :)
Iuliia Shnai
@mfts0 @sandradjajic Sandra your support is invaluable! Gonna follow the Klu launch soon:)
Filip Ognjanovic
Congratulations on the launch of Papermark! Can users customize the look and feel of their document links, such as adding branding elements to make them even more aligned with their company's identity?
Iuliia Shnai
@filip_ognjanovic You can add a custom domain, and any type of extension for the link you want:)) So it will be purely your company brand. We are also working on adding the branded name int he corner or logo:))
Filip Ognjanovic
💡 Bright idea
@iuliia_shnai Awesome!
Marc Seitz
@filip_ognjanovic Yes, so currently you can already use custom domains and custom url path. Next up, customizing logo. Then it's as if the link didn't even come from Papermark ;) 100% personalization!
Aakrity Madhan
Love the emphasis on Startup founders - will give this a go when we are sharing our pitch deck. Curious if you are expanding beyond pdfs. I didn't see the option to add other files.
Marc Seitz
@aakrity_madhan starting with pdfs. Next up powerpoint files. But first we want to make a perfect experience for PDFs
Congratulations on the launch! This looks quite promising :))
Iuliia Shnai
@meshary Thanks for supporting Meshary!
Marc Seitz
@meshary Thanks Meshary 🔥 Feedback is always welcome! This is just the beginning
Naveed Rehman
Hey there! Just heard about Papermark and it's seriously awesome! Love the idea of an open source DocSend alternative for secure document sharing. One suggestion I have is to consider adding a feature for real-time collaboration. That would take it to the next level! By the way, what are the future plans for Papermark?
Iuliia Shnai
@naveed_rehman Thanks for the feedback Naveed! It is a good suggestion, it is in the plans to add more team players to manage your docs, definitely. I think the cool feature we want to underline is the ability to customize, add a custom domain and look professional if sending Sales Deck or Pitch Deck. All updates are on GitHub at the moment
Marc Seitz
@naveed_rehman Thanks for the suggestion Naveed! Team account will be coming soon. I love the idea of making document multiplayer! Roadmap will be up on GitHub later this week 👀
Felix Magedanz
As a founder of a commercial open source startup I'm going to use Papermark for our next fundraise 🚀
Iuliia Shnai
@flxmgdnz That would be awesome! Open Source friends:))
Marc Seitz
@flxmgdnz That's music to my ears Felix ❤️
Pedro Sanders
Huge congrats to the team! Building an alternative to DocuSend is no small feat. Can't wait to see where this journey takes you and how it reshapes the way we send documents! oss ftw!
Marc Seitz
@psanders thanks Pedro! was so fun on your twitterspaces the other day! Let's do it again and let's rebuild the world with open source ❤️
Won Jang
@iuliia_shnai Dope Project, and what an alternative for Docsend! Pretty amazing how you utilize open sources to create such products so fast. How long did it take to build it this time?
Marc Seitz
@iuliia_shnai @wonjoon_jang1 Only possible with open-source in such a short time frame. Essentially started all with a tweet and MVP was done in a weekend. A couple of weekends later and today we launched :)
Iuliia Shnai
@wonjoon_jang1 Yep, it is amazing what open source allow us to do:) You guys also launch pretty quick exited to see what you bringing for Linkedin next:))
Won Jang
Dope project, and what an alternative for Docsend! Pretty amazing how you utilize open sources to create such products so fast Iuliia. How long did it take this time?
Marc Seitz
@wonjoon_jang1 Thanks Won 🔥 All in all - a couple of weekends :)