Golden Kitty Awards

Parla - AI-powered English teacher

Parla is an Artificial Intelligence-powered English teacher.

Parla, just like a human tutor, tells user what to learn next, corrects his mistakes and defines, when user has learned the new word or grammar rule.

We believe that AI will replace human teachers and change the way people learn, making education more effective and affordable to everyone.

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Spasskiy Alex
We decided to develop Parla because many people in the world still can’t afford hiring an English teacher or attending English courses as it’s rather expensive. There are many English learning apps, but most of them have a standard programme for training words and grammar. We believe that AI will change the way people learn, and will make education affordable to everyone and more effective. We started with English, but our plan is to "digitalize" all languages and all fields of education (like mathematics, physics etc). In Parla we used the following technology: * Parla’s algorithms analyse user’s data, mistakes, speed of learning - and basing on this data she builds up personal learning programme and tells user what to learn next. * Parla’s algorithm automatically defines when user has learned the new word or grammar rule, analysing the frequency of repeats an amount of mistakes, and builds the curve of forgetting for each word or rule. * Also we use Google’s Tensor Flow to entangle answer options. For example, for word «snow» answer options will be flow, blow, glow, rain, thunder, ice, storm. * Parla has algorithm, that analyses, in which skills user makes mistakes more often (reading, pronunciation, writing, translation or listening) and gives more exercises on the skill user makes more mistakes in. * Parla has her own emotions like a real teacher. If a student misses lessons or makes many mistakes - she can be angry and scold him. If student succeeds - she is happy. At the moment she has 5 moods. Sometimes she even says funny jokes. First version of Parla will be able to teach English to Spanish and Russian native speakers in 24 countries. She also will have an English-English version (to see how it works). We invite you to get «Early access» to Parla at our website: Android users will get access code and link to app after filling up the form on the website. iOs users will get early access in 1-2 months. Please, remember, it’s a beta version, so if you find any bugs, please, share them with us at contact[at] so we can fix them. Thanks for your interest and support!
Ekaterina Mitina

It's very comfortable and well being of service for me. It's no problem with this product and the service is very helpful




A lot

Lena Karpenko

Желаю развития и усовершенствования


Смаообучение, искусственный интеллект


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