Spasskiy Alex

Parla X - Learn languages faster

Parla X is an app for learning languages fast. Join us and learn languages for free!

29 hours with Parla X are as effective as studying Languages for one semester at university. Learning is through play, because it’s more fun and effective (scientifically proved) - just do short exercises and answer questions to maintain your knowledge every day.

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Spasskiy Alex
We decided to develop Parla because many people in the world still can’t afford hiring an English teacher or attending English courses as it’s rather expensive. There are many English learning apps, but most of them have a standard programme for training words and grammar. We believe that AI will change the way people learn, and will make education affordable to everyone and more effective. We started with English, but our plan is to "digitalize" all languages and all fields of education (like mathematics, physics etc). In Parla we used the following technology: * Parla’s algorithms analyse user’s data, mistakes, speed of learning - and basing on this data she builds up personal learning programme and tells user what to learn next. * Parla’s algorithm automatically defines when user has learned the new word or grammar rule, analysing the frequency of repeats an amount of mistakes, and builds the curve of forgetting for each word or rule. * Also we use Google’s Tensor Flow to entangle answer options. For example, for word «snow» answer options will be flow, blow, glow, rain, thunder, ice, storm. * Parla has algorithm, that analyses, in which skills user makes mistakes more often (reading, pronunciation, writing, translation or listening) and gives more exercises on the skill user makes more mistakes in. * Parla has her own emotions like a real teacher. If a student misses lessons or makes many mistakes - she can be angry and scold him. If student succeeds - she is happy. At the moment she has 5 moods. Sometimes she even says funny jokes. First version of Parla will be able to teach English to Spanish and Russian native speakers in 24 countries. She also will have an English-English version (to see how it works). We invite you to get «Early access» to Parla at our website: Android users will get access code and link to app after filling up the form on the website. iOs users will get early access in 1-2 months. Please, remember, it’s a beta version, so if you find any bugs, please, share them with us at contact[at] so we can fix them. Thanks for your interest and support!
Влада Пестунова
Thank you! Really good app!
Христина Качунина
Hoho 😍 😍 😍 I am in love with illustrations!
Spasskiy Alex
@new_user_b638a71a68 We will make much more in next realises, stay tune.
Konstantin Darutkin

First Parla app was AI-based. New one is good, but it would be great to transfer AI experience to X version.


New version is easy to use, clear and entertaining


Without AI recommendations and similar to Duolinguo

Vladimir Klyuenkov

For me app is the best way to practice every day, because it's simple unlike others apps.


Clear and fun.


addictive, but for me it is pros

Marina Pozhidaeva
Thanks a lot for this app! Some time ago I started learning Spanish with Parla from scratch. I would open it during a coffee break or so. I was quite surprised, that after only 2 weeks I went to Spain and felt quite confident asking for directions, ordering food and even having small talks with the locals. No useless old-fashioned phrases. It's like you guys knew what exactly I would need. Looking forward to new languages in the app!
Vladimir Klyuenkov
I used app two weeks before the vacation in Mexico. To my surprise, I was able to solve all the problems in english and spanish at the airport and hotel without an translator! Great thanks!
I am loving in with this app!
Никита Агафонов
Looks exactly like duolingo. How are you better?
Spasskiy Alex
@gafon66 silent mod, chests, grammar rules, clearness, and a lot of features, like iOS widget etc
Marvin Hassan
Those illustrations are brilliant.
Paul Shuteyev
@aspasskiy congrats on your PH listing, glad to see more apps that gamify language learning. We would like to offer you to publish an interview about ParlaX at please PM me at for more details
Chris Sheffield
Just started using the app and funnily enough my wife and I were talking about learning Spanish again last night.
Александр Ляхницкий
Nice gamification and animation
umnumnum num
Cute graphics!
Mark Sun
Really enjoyed the app. Very smooth to navigate once you are into the content, I love the layout. Wasn't a huge fan of the Language Select right when I downloaded it... was just a tad confusing as it sets the language of the app itself, so I got stuck in Russian for a moment.
Del Williams
I like this, but after three questions it gets stuck. Is that to get people to pay or a bug?
Del Williams
I've been playing with it for a few days now and I like it. I do think they have way too many ads in the wrong place like when you won a chest. You shouldn't have to watch an ad then plus one after you open the chest. The price is good for monthly and lifetime.
Kerry Bright
It crashed a few days after I paid for annual access, no product support available, not happy as it crashes now every time I use
Евгений Гридюшко
I am using the Parla, and I really like it, but the only thing that is really annoying is that I can’t download the whole course. When I press the download button the whole app gets frozen. And I just paid for one year access. I was trying to contact you through the app, but I didn’t get any answer. Hopefully you know how to help me. Thanks.