
PartneroList - A curated directory of partner programs


PartneroList is a curated directory of partner programs. Partnerships bring immense value to companies and partners. Our extensive list is designed to support companies in launching or enhancing partnerships & provide partners with opportunities to earn extra.

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Hello, Product Hunt community! At Partnero, we believe partnerships are the key to unlocking exponential growth and success for companies and partners. That's why we came up with PartneroList. We are excited to share PartneroList with you today. Our curated directory is designed to empower businesses in launching or enhancing their partnership programs while providing partners with endless opportunities to earn extra income. Join us and experience the power of collaboration! 🤝 List your partnership program or find the perfect partnership for your business on PartneroList today. Let's win together. Your support means a lot to us, and I want to thank you for being a part of Partnero's journey! We love feedback, too, and are eagerly looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Let us know what you think. Cheers, Martyna
Germán Merlo
Amazing news @martyna_s1! PartneroList sounds like an extremely helpful resource for discovering awesome partner programs. Cheers to the launch!
@german_merlo1 Thank you, German! 🙌
Esus 🛡️
Have used Partnero a few times in the past and always enjoy how much you cut down info. (not flooded with content lol.) Congrats on another launch! Is this launch focused on the directory aspect? :)
@esus Hi, and thank you! Yes, this is for the directory only - we want to make it easy for everyone to find the best programs!
Neel Patel
Congrats! Good luck with your launch :) Just extended my support!
@neelptl2602 Thank you!
Ignas Rubezius
I'm impressed with the compilation of top-tier SaaS Affiliate programs, and I believe it's a fantastic resource for creators looking to diversify and enhance their income streams. The team at Partnero has done an exceptional job in curating this directory.
@ignas_rubezius Thank you! 😊
Marcin Hakemer-Fernandez
Wow, insightful. Some of these commissions are crazy high! Congratulations on the launch!
@marcinhf Thank you, Marcin! Feel free to submit other programs that you know are cool!
Esus 🛡️
@marcinhf yCode for the win! hahah, such an insane deal. Been an affiliate for ya'll for a few months now. 50% at 24months is crazy good! Such an underrated tool.
Amer Farah
Very useful directory, thank you!
@amer_farah Thanks, Amer!
Madison Crane
Wow! Now affiliate marketers don't have to spend hours searching for programs, there are so many reputable ones listed here. Great job!
@madison_crane Thank you! 🙌
Andrew Grano
Seeing all of these affiliate program opportunities in a list (and seeing how generous the payout is for some of them) is so motivating!! Makes me feel that there is no excuse NOT to start a side hustle!! Definitely will be bookmarking this product. 👍
Sandra Imole
That great. Extremely good
Garen Orchyan
Upvoted. Congratulations on the launch team🦄♥️
Lakshya Singh
Congrats on the launch and thanks for the list! These kinds of resources are so helpful for bloggers.
@martyna_s1 : Congrats on the launch team, the product looks amazing.
Jake Tital
Love me some partnerships. Crush it with the launch!
Juliana Amorim
Loved it!
Annie Chopra
Wow! Super cool and such an important tool in the world of influencer marketing