Tweetbot for Mac and iOS is essential for two reasons: it syncs your timeline, so if you switch frequently from desktop to mobile it keeps your place; and it has powerful muting features will keep you sane as you stare at Twitter for 16 hours a day. You can mute by keyword (useful for following founders who tweet nonstop about their products), by hashtag (to shut up your reporter friends who are livetweeting some conference you don't care about), and by time period (has someone tweeted 100 times today for no reason? Give them the rest of the week off!). Unlike Twitter's mute feature, Tweetbot can restore a person to your timeline automatically after a day, a week, or a month. Reporters live in Twitter, and Tweetbot makes it bearable.
@rrhoover Haven't used the desktop version because I'm lazy, let me know your thoughts after a few days.
I've been using the iOS version about as long as I've had an iPhone though. It's super double plus good. The lightswitch is one of my favorite features.
@rrhoover If you're on Yosemite, then Tweetbot will be out of place. The app is still stuck with the old design language. But it just works. And you might have to spent a bit of time setting up columns and other filters before you forget Tweetdeck. :)
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