Kat Manalac

Insider Company Comparisons - Compare hundreds of top tech companies all in one place

Compare interview questions, hiring processes, revenue, and more from 200+ top tech companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, Stripe, and Airbnb, without spending time searching. Created by Pathrise based on data from helping hundreds of people land great jobs.

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Kevin Wu
Hi everyone! I’m Kevin, co-founder of Pathrise. A few months ago we posted a set of Interviewing Insider Guides to help job seekers find information about interview processes all in one place, but we realized the power of the information we had aggregated and sourced went beyond that! Here's an entirely different tool that allows you to compare companies head-to-head! These comparison guides allow you to review all of the information on top tech companies side-by-side so that you can see where the differences lie between hiring processes, interview questions, missions, and more. We want to make it as easy as possible for candidates and market researchers to compare different companies to figure out things like deciding between offers or ways to adjust their interview practice. After accumulating a ton of insider company information, we wanted to provide that data in new and helpful formats. At Pathrise our goal is to act as an advocate for job-seekers by correcting the imbalance of information between job seekers and employers. With this launch, we're excited to share our comparison guides with the world and see how they'll be used!
Michael Weinberg
The company comparisons are clear, concise, and make it very easy to get the information needed as a job-seeker without spending hours jumping around the internet.
Lily Chang
Wow, super comprehensive resource to research and compare two companies! I particularly like the "Inside Scoop" snippets and breakdowns of the company demographics, median salaries based on area functions, and hiring categories. Big thank you to the team at Pathrise for putting this all together!!
Gurwinder Singh
Very well designed! I love the UI because it's very easy to read about two companies at the same time. Don't have any major feedback, but here are some ideas for potential features you may want to add: - It can be helpful to add a section for companies that are in the same competitive space or industries so when a user is trying to assess competition it's already there and they can simply click on it. For example, 'Bird' and 'Lime' are direct competitors so there can be an express comparison section for companies in that range. We can also add a filtering option comparing companies by industries, for example, 'logistics', 'social media', 'cloud' technology, etc.
Michael Frank
Really like using this to compare cultural values and interview process side by side. I.e. snap and fb have very similar interview processes: https://www.pathrise.com/compani... also interesting how different companies sequence their interviewing processes pretty differently. I.e. Amazon does coding test much earlier that than wework https://www.pathrise.com/compani...
Ken Savage
Interesting idea for passive job seekers. But are the questions REAL questions from real interviews? And how do you collect questions?
Kevin Wu
@kensavage the questions are from real interviews! It's half internal information that we've collected over the years and half aggregated from online sources like Glassdoor, Indeed, Blind, Quora and more.
Cameron McCool
This is brilliant. Nice work @kevin_wu3 and team. Just sent this to a handful of tech/SaaS peeps.
Sloppy John
This is brilliant. Imagine a new graduate recently received offers from multiple companies, they can just use this to see company culture/value + potential perks! Great product, you guys are doing amazing stuff :)
Kate Mallison
This looks really helpful!
Great product! Specially the company guides are very helpful. Shared with my curated community of 300+ people.
Eva Casanova
Incredible! The guides really give the insider scoop on each company -- such a valuable resource for anyone seeking a job or considering switching companies. Love it.