This app is a fun way to save. Super easy to set up goals and see where you are at with a quick glance. Really like how they use the mountain analogy to show where you are at on your journey to saving for different events. The round up feature makes it easy to save daily if you are a habitual debit/credit card user.
I want to save. I just don't. Until Peak came along. Now I have several little mountain peaks in my favorite colors to help reach my goals. Round ups are great or just tap on it and add money from your bank accounts. The design is simple and fun- Peak makes me giggle. You can connect all your accounts and move money around with a touch. Such a sleek little app just waiting for you to try it. And it is FREE. Apple loves it and I am sure you will too.
Hey, Product Hunt!
We’re all trying to be better… right? Better products, better launches, better user experiences… better jobs, better relationships, better lives. Well, have you tried to get better at saving? Spoiler alert: It’s tough. We surveyed and interviewed 1,000+ people and although almost all of them wanted to save more… they didn’t know how.
There are plenty of savings solutions out there, but after trying nearly all of them, we still felt like it could be better– something that makes saving money a positive, stress-free, and empowering experience. And as former health & wellness professionals, we felt that we were just the team to do that…
With Peak, you create a 3D mountain peak for each of your savings goals. Then, we help you create a plan and automate your savings (with scheduled saves and round-ups) to make sure you reach them. It’s 100% free, your money is insured by the FDIC through our partner bank, Axos, and you get a 1% annual return on any money you save with us.
Peak launched late last year, but we waited until now to share it with all of you because we just released an update that will let you use Peak with any US bank or credit union! [Note: Peak is currently only available in the US on iOS devices.]
Please let us know what you think! We’re particularly interested in what you think of the new account-linking flow… and what you might use Peak to save for!
As a special thank you to the PH community, we’ve got an exclusive sign-up bonus just for you: We’ll give you $15 as soon as you start saving with Peak! Just email hello[at]peakmoney[dot]com with the subject link “Peak loves PH” and include your Product Hunter username in the body of the email!
Plus, we’ll be selecting people from the comments for extra cash money 🤑 Let us know what you think!
(Full terms for the Product Hunt Signup Bonus are here:
I’m a sucker for good design, I get stressed about money, and I have never been very diligent about saving. This app was made for me. Excited to watch that ‘Paris Trip’ peak grow.
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Peak Money
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Peak Money