An SMS hiring network for the startup world
Tim Connors
Pearl — An SMS hiring network for the startup world
For too long, early stage startups have been a walled garden, so we decided to build a door. 🚪
(1) Over text message, tell us what you're looking for
(2) We'll monitor for matching jobs
(3) We'll connect you with the founding team when there's a match
Jordan Banafsheha
Congrats on the launch!
Tim Connors
@jordanbanaf Thanks Jordan :)
Matt Mayberry
Congrats to @tim_connors and team on the launch of Pearl. Excited to see this out in the open knowing all the hard work you put into it. Lets goooooo!
Tim Connors
@tim_connors @mattmayberry Thanks so much Matt!! Excited to send some candidates your way
steeve vakeeswaran
Congrats Tim on the launch! Super excited to see all your hard work come to life.
James Vaughan
This looks rad, congrats @tim_connors! Is there a way for job seekers to use this via web rather than SMS if they prefer?
Tim Connors
@tim_connors @jamesontheline Great question! Not yet. Our goal is to be channel-agnostic eventually (sms, email, whatsapp, messenger, slack, etc...) so stay tuned!
David Marr
My concerns with this is I can't remember the last time I sent an SMS and the only ones i get are from people who are at an age when retirement is their profession or from a delivery service telling me my order has been delivered. Can you do it on another messaging platforms as well? I love the back and forth that it gives and think that would work really well but just don't think SMS is the best platform as you miss a large population of people who would lap this up. The optics of someone in an office looking at their phone for long periods in a day may not play well in some larger organisations as well. At least with Whatsapp or Telegram this could be done on computer screen. Other concern for big organisations is would their data security people be comfortable with this sort of data being stored or distributed on personal devices?
Tim Connors
@david_marr interesting point, are you US-based or abroad? There were tradeoffs between all the messaging channels. In the future, we plan to be channel-agnostic, but we chose SMS to start because (1) it's (nearly) universally used by Americans (2) SMS APIs are mature and robust. To address the data security question - I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying the big companies would be uncomfortable knowing their employees are texting us about other jobs?
David Marr
@david_marr @tim_connors Yes I am in the UK. SMS does still seem to be popular in the US compared to here in Europe where things have moved on to the messengering apps. Integration with Slack would go down well also. My second part was a bit garbled as it was early here. What i was meaning was I think there is a big potential to take this more mainstream outside of startups to big corporates. My point was more around whether the data security and even legal people at say a Google, BP or even AT&T would be comfortable with their staff carrying out recruitment type activity on behalf of their companies on their own personal device. Having channels less reliant on a cell phone as well as the SMS route would be perfect to get that large corporate business as well as start ups.
Tim Connors
@david_marr @tim_connors Oh I see now! You're referring to when we connect the candidate to the team. Yes right now, that's SMS so the team would need to use their personal phones. In the future when we move beyond startups, we're going to offer an external web app for recruiters & hiring managers to have these conversations from their browser.
Akila Welihinda
I’d imagine Pearl would make it much easier to passively recruit while working full time. Great job on the launch Tim!!
Jill Tiutan
Wow this looks convenient and easy on the jobseeker’s side seeing as it focuses on quality matching — personally wish I had this when I was job hunting. Out of curiosity, why did you guys choose to go with SMS over existing mobile apps (Messenger, LinkedIn chat, etc.)?
Tim Connors
@jilltiutan That's a great question! In the future, we plan to be channel-agnostic, but we chose SMS to start because (1) it's universally used by Americans (2) SMS APIs are mature and robust.
Nilay Modi
Congrats on the launch! How are you figuring out "the perfect match" given how subjective the whole process of recruiting is from both sides? And how are you working on the supply side so that you have enough jobs to offer different types of people who sign up? Thanks!
Tim Connors
@nilay_modi Your resume info and career preferences are matched algorithmically against the jobs we have. When a match is found, it's reviewed by a human before it gets sent out to you, at which point we'll ask "hey is this interesting to you?" Your answer to that question informs our future recommendations. In terms of the supply of jobs, we're partnered with a few job boards and other aggregates to pull in opportunities + we have a network of founders who are looking to hire through us!
Andrew Kwan
It’s about time that a more streamlined and casual tool for recruiting and job hunting emerges! These days — especially since quarantine — remote work is here to stay, and I can only imagine how this has affected the job market. Pearl is definitely ahead of the curve here in spearheading — and likely soon to be a leader — in this new wave of recruitment. I’m stoked for the future of Pearl!
Nadin  Krukovskaya
Well done
Tim Connors
@nadin_krukouskaya Thanks Nadin!
Angela Powell
looks excellent!
Corbin Muraro
This looks huge for the hiring process – congrats on the launch Tim!
This looks so sick @tim_connors !
Tim Connors
Siddharth Pandiya
We SO need this for our hiring needs! Amazing product. What’s the pricing model?
Tim Connors
Hi Product Hunters! Thank you for checking out Pearl. We are super excited to launch on Product Hunt today 🚀 Recruiting tends to be a horrendous experience for everyone involved. For employers, it's a time-sucking, money burning endeavor that never ends. For candidates... well we all know how it is. This reality was pretty clear to me as an ambitious college student at UCLA. I'd done my fair share of job-seeking, as well as my fair share of hiring for various entrepreneurial pursuits. It didn't matter what side of the table I was sitting on, the experience sucked. For job-seekers, the challenge of recruiting is uniquely pernicious because it impacts everyday life in fundamental ways. Everything that's tricky about job hunting - trying to find the right opportunity, filling out long applications, getting ghosted by recruiters - it adds up into a thick glue that stops people from moving onwards and upwards. I've seen this happen to too many friends and family members. It pains me to see so many people I love lead lackluster careers for decades on end. It's absolute madness. It was with these thoughts in mind when I teamed up with my co-founder Alex to make things better. When we started on Pearl we thought to ourselves: "What's the lowest-friction method of moving people to a more exciting career?" I hope you enjoy it. And please follow along in our journey. This is just the beginning 😼 Would love to hear any thoughts or feedback from all of you! Tim 🥰
Anshul Aggarwal
Definitely excited to try this out! How do you source companies right now?
Tim Connors
@worldofanshul we have thousands of opportunities in our pool - it's a mix of jobs sourced from the open web and from within our network of founders 😊 If you're a founder hiring sign up here:
Spencer Nelson
game changer! congrats on the launch @tim_connors
Tim Connors
@tim_connors @spencer_nelson1 Thanks so much Spencer!
Drew Glicker
Stoked about Pearl! I know a lot of recruiters looking to make their candidate funnel suck a little less, and this looks like the solution!
Tim Connors
@drew_glicker1 Hurray for sucking less!
Nate Forster
@tim_connors is one of the rare wise and customer driven founders - feeling safe in his hands! :)
Tim Connors
@tim_connors @nathan_forster thanks nate! let's do this 😀
Matt Charney
This is a pretty killer app for hiring better talent faster. Definitely worth checking out and looking forward to watching their future roadmap closely
Tim Connors
@mattcharney Thanks Matt 😎