@myshlaev Hi Vitaly. You can absolutely test out some of the apps we already have created by downloading the free PencilCase: Player from the App Store. One of our favorites is Flappy Bot, a take on Flappy Bird.
You can also try out PencilCase: Studio for free. If you follow along with any of the tutorials, you can build each of our demo apps in about 20 minutes.
Do you see a future where this integrates with React Native for an easier handoff to developers? Your intentions with JS-based coding seem similar, but it would be nice if this piggybacked on a larger coding platform.
@munsonbh We have played with React Native a bit but not enough to say one way or the other. We like the way you are thinking though and there will definitely be thought put into this framework.
@crayment One other question: After seeing Pixate move steadily from a SAAS model to a one-time purchase model and LayerVault go out of business, how do you feel about designers and their interest in paying a monthly fee? My own biased observation is that designers are much happier with per-version costs like Sketch than they are with the Adobe model. I also hypothesize that Adobe makes it difficult to charge a rate that compares well to them ($24.95 for your single service, $49.99 for the Master Collection) and still make enough money.
This in turn makes a person like me (who is absolutely your target audience) skittish that you will be there for the long term. Knowing I have a supported native app that will be there for the next 3 years is of paramount importance.
Hope this helps! I'm going to spend part of the day rebuilding a Keynote prototype in PencilCase. Hit me on the Twitters if you want more feedback.
@crayment@munsonbh We debated this a lot before going to market, and feel the advantage of subscription is that everyone is always running the latest and greatest. We plan to be updating our features and adding to the PencilCase ecosystem regularly, and wanted to ensure our customers always had the best tools to make great apps.
A key difference between Sketch and PencilCase is that we’re emitting iOS apps. iOS changes every year, adding new features, updating appearance, etc. It's important for users to receive updates so their apps can run the best on the latest iOS.
Sketch emits PNGs, JPEGs, etc. which are established formats that don't change over time. Even as the tools to make them improve, JPEGs and PNGs aren't changing in radical ways with any particular speed.
Would love to know what you think of PencilCase when you’re done making with it today.
Hey @mjsikorsky! This looks very promising. I have a few of questions:
- where do you see PencilCase sitting in the design <---> development workflow? Who is your target user?
- does PencilCase allow transactional apps to be created? e.g. plugins to Firebase, etc. And if so, is that provided as part of its Studio or as code that devs would have to put in themselves?
- what kind of apps do you expect PencilCase to be best suited to create?
@alirtariq Great questions :)
1. We created PencilCase with designers in mind. We wanted to give them a powerful tool that would allow them to make real apps without code – essentially the ability to transform creative assets into native apps.
But we didn’t forget about the developers - our robots love using it for its quick feedback loop and the ability to share apps quickly, using the PencilCase: Player, as well for quick animations and physics. Because a JavaScript engine is built in, apps created in PencilCase can be customized further by developers.
2. Not currently. This is something we have given much thought too and definitely are trying to solve. When implemented, it will be integrated into the Supplies and Behaviors, so no coding will be required.
3. Our hope is that PencilCase will be perfect for a wide variety of apps, and we have included tools to enable many different creations.
We have seen a variety of apps successfully created using our tools already, including games, education, and brochure apps. PencilCase is perfect for apps that require rich animation, beautiful designs, and interactivity. (We launched yesterday, and had someone sharing an app with us within four hours!)
Awesome. I'm looking forward to your implementation of the transactional features. I've gone through the starter video and I'm really impressed. This is probably one of the more intuitive interfaces for app design/building I've played with. Good job guys!
PencilCase: Studio will provide everything you need to make fully interactive and native applications for the iPhone and iPad.
Using the built-in Cards and Supplies, you can incorporate the features you expect to see in mobile apps, from menus to buttons to galleries.
Import your creative assets into PencilCase: Studio and add functionality like behaviors, gestures, transitions and animations.
Pencil Case
The Design of Influence: How to Craft Products that Move People
The Design of Influence: How to Craft Products that Move People