Michael Berhane

People Of Color In Tech - Interviews and articles by people of color in tech.

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Michael Berhane
Hi all! I'm co-founder at POCIT (People Of Color In Tech). Our mission is to highlight the current achievement of POC in tech/startups to inspire the next generation. We feature individuals every week across the industry, from startup founders to junior web developers. Thanks for all the up-votes! Feel free to ask any questions or to email me: michael@peopleofcolorintech.com
Jareau Wadé
@michaelberhane_ Love this! Reminds me of @will_lucas and his of10 podcast, which featured a lot of the same folks I think. https://www.producthunt.com/tech... Y'all do events?
Michael Berhane
@jkwade @michaelberhane_ Hey! Thanks for the love! We may have something in the pipeline so stay tuned :)
Amélie Lamont
So glad this is on here!
Michael Berhane
@rrhoover :) He really was a great interview!
Ruth Mesfun
Thanks Amelie!
Love this! Happy to see POCIT on PH! 🙌🏾
Michael Berhane
@amamarfo :) Thank you!
Juan Vazquez
This is fantastic!
Michael Berhane
@juanvme Just seen this! Thanks Juan :)
Daveyon Mayne
It's great tha "bruthers" and "sistaz" in the tech industry. Nice! So when can I get my black self on those pictures? Although I'm on here: https://www.xero.com/uk/ :)
Ruth Mesfun
@mirmayne send us a message on our contact page. We should talk! 😊
Miss Rant