Ever wished you could save a video from the Internet? Search no more, Downie is what you're looking for. Easily download videos from thousands of different sites.
Wonderful! It's a shame that most of this products get shutdown or stop working after a bit tho. Youtube actively seems to try shutting down as many of this as possible.
@charliemonroe : Congrats on getting the #2 product of the day. I wish to interview you, about your product, team and strategy. The interview will in form of Tweets and replies to it. It can get completed in 15 minutes. If you like the idea, reply when free. :-)
@charliemonroe Pleasure to have your reply. Please drop me a message on twitter https://twitter.com/rajarjit (I am not able to message you), anytime between 3:30 am to 6:30 pm GMT. We will get the interview started. :-)
@ntamboly The issue is when the video is no longer available. There is a lot of content online (not just YouTube) that's only available for a short period of time. Also, there's a lot of people using Downie to download some online content for the time they spend on train, plane, etc. when the Internet connection may be poor, none at all.