Feedback: If I knew my email was needed for the results, I wouldn’t have spent my time. I know these patterns are the norm, but I dislike it very strongly, it’s much better to be up front and ask my email before I wasted my time.
@geeyam I actually liked having to input my email address since the test results can now be easily accessed in the future and shared with my friends and family if I want to. I don't like being spammed and I don't like my email being collected unnecessarily, but as long as it is used responsibly by @jc_prattdelzenne I don't mind :)
You didn't expect to get the results for free ... did you?
Emails are assets.
For the purpose of just testing, just enter fake email as the Maker suggested
- Avoid red buttons on the left choices
- Nice UI
- 10 minutes to take the test is ridiculously long
( Lower this amount to collect more emails)
If I owned this:
I know this personality test is all "mambo jambo" fairy tale, but i want to collect as many emails as I can.
I would make the test shorter, Verify the email address to get the report, even ask for phone number to send the report to your phone...
On the backend, I would either sell my own products to other people's products by sending 4-5 follow up emails that actually help people improve the "negative" parts about their personality.
Good luck!
@satishgaire “Free” is literally the 3rd word on the page "Scientifically validated free..." I know emails are not exactly free, and my feedback is; it's better to be upfront. It is the difference between leaving the page with "Oh great idea and looks nice, but I don't want to give my email now" vs leaving the page after 15 mins "Grrr, it's one of these dark patterns". Otherwise, I don't have any problem people asking for email, phone number, or money — as long as it's upfront.
Mine is just a feedback, it’s up to the maker what to do with it. No bad intentions. It’s a common strategy, so it must be working for people.
👋Hey Product Hunters,
We are often quick to self judge ourselves for our personal failures. It only creates guilt, shame, or self-delusional thoughts.
We burn ourselves, trying to fit in a mold totally different from our true self.
Assessing our personality is essential to understand where we are today, then take action to design a path for growth tailored to us.
Knowing our traits helps to double down on our personality's strength and minimize the risks associated with our negative tendencies, without self-judgment.
I built Persona to help people get access to the work of personality science researchers like Lewis R. Goldberg, Colin DeYoung, Brian R. Little, and more, in a very accessible and fun way.
Feel free to give some feedback and suggestions ✍️
@jc_prattdelzenne Hi JC, congrats with your launch. Can you tell some more what you'll be doing with the data you're collecting (including personal data)? I can't find any explanation why you need my mail address for instance.
@evertsemeijn Thank you very much. The only use I have for email addresses is to send the result so users can keep it, it's more convenient, I have no other use for it. I don't have any promotion purpose with it.
@jc_prattdelzenne I understand. You might want to make that clear on the site. It keeps me from handing you over mine.
And for how long are you storing the result pages?
@evertsemeijn You are right, I should have made that more explicit.
For now, I didn't think of an expiration date, but it can be done. Like a link to delete the content in the email I send to the user.
@jc_prattdelzenne@evertsemeijn Glad you asked about what data's being collected – seeing Cambridge Analytica mentioned as a 'usage example' set off a few alarm bells for me 😅
Looks very nice, but.. I completed test, filled details and click on "Get my results", email has never arrived and loader is stuck until JavaScript error is thrown.
"Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource."
@jc_prattdelzenne Works like a charm now, and it's awesome, 99% correct results. If you need any other testing or early users feel free to contact me about new features, or anything I can help you with.
@jc_prattdelzenne p.s. Great thing is that answers are saved in local storage so I don't have to take test again if accidentally closing tab or something does not work, great job.
@jonaaust It's the Big Five test. But the personality items come from the IPIP community. I made this to make it more popular, it's known in some circles that make some research but not from the public.
Furthermore, I want to make other tests more known, like the Dark Triad, Addiction Tests, Self Delusional tendencies and more. The concept of "Free Traits" by Brian R. Little can also be very useful for people, but before that I start small, with the Big Five :-)
@vjekoskarica I completely understand what you mean, that's one of the reasons I wanted this to exist in an attractable and easy to use design.
For now, it's "basic". I want to use Dr Robert Sapolsky Models (Stress, the Aging Brain, and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers) To help people understand Stress and the Neuroticism trait that's existent in the Myers-Briggs.
Also show the Free Traits Model of Dr Brian R. Little(Me, Myself and Us) and more.
People don't need fake things...
This is awesome, our whole startup now uses this so that we are fully conscious of everyone's unique selves. Any way we can support this page staying up through a donation? From the team @ Flow Bio ❤️.
@sapvdfluit Thank you very much Stefan !
I’m very happy it’s helping you ! If you want to, you can donate here :
It could be great if you have 30-45min to make a Zoom/Meet Call to understand how you use Persona, it could help us make it better and even more useful to you :)
@jc_prattdelzenne Well, for the time it takes to complete the test (compared to something like the Myers-Briggs test) the results are a bit lacking in depth.
@marla_griffith Just repared it, my API had some issues it's fixed, they are a lot of people on the site so it takes 15 to 30 sec to respond but it should work, sorry for the issue.
Took the test. Entered name and e-mail and tried submitting. Nothing happened. Tried over and over. Nothing happened. Rule number one of launching something: Make sure it works otherwise you'll lose people straight away and you'll lose them forever.
@jc_prattdelzenne Chrome. Loads of other people in this thread experiencing the same issue so it doesn't look like an isolated case. Good luck troubleshooting.
This test took me 15 minutes to complete but the result is amazing. The analysis at the end is pretty much accurate and very details.
Only one bad thing is it asked for my email to see the result. There is no privacy policy page on the website so I am afraid that you may spam my inbox or share my result to other people.
@namtran_wd Hi David, Thank you very much! I hope it will be useful
I should have signaled on my website what I would not do with people's data. I wanted to launch to learn. I will not do anything with it...
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