Kevin William David - Remember everything with your own personal AI

We forget 80% of the information we experience every day. Speak, write or upload insights, information and experiences into your personal AI so you can recall your memories exactly when you need them.

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Xiaoran Zhang
Hey Product Hunters! Sharon Zhang, CTO from the team here 🤓 🧠 We’ve built your personal AI to remember all the parts of your digital life so you can engage more meaningfully with others without worrying about what you might forget. Your AI lets you recall any piece of information you may have forgotten from meetings, conversations, personal notes, your Twitter feed, and more. 🌏 I’m deeply passionate about building responsible technology that moves the world forward -- embracing the principles of original thinking, authentic AI and the human right to privacy. 🔒 Every one of our personal AI creators owns their memory data, forever. We’ve decentralized your memories from your identity and secured them with blockchain technology to ensure no one -- not even us -- can see what you capture with your AI. We’ve also pledged to never sell your data to third parties for advertising. 🚀 Here’s how to bootstrap your personal AI: 1. Capture your spoken, written and visual memories to create your own private Memory Stack secured by blockchain technology. 2. Create your personal AI from your memories so that it responds in your unique tone and with information from your own digital life. 3. Connect with your AI to recall your memories and receive proactive messages about the things you need to know, right when you need them. You can even allow others to connect with your AI so they can benefit from your knowledge, regardless of your real-time availability. ➡️ Give it a try at no cost: When you sign up, if you use promo code PRODUCTHUNT for today only (November 4th, until 11:59 PM PDT), you will also get a free yearly subscription when we start to commercialize our product. Please don’t worry, you will forever control access to your data. 💜 I also encourage you to join our Discord community for early access to new feature upgrades, and more: Thank you to the entire team and all our investors for making today happen. The best is yet to come! ~Sharon
Suman Kanuganti
Hello Product Hunters! I am psyched to launch here with this community. I thought the community would appreciate a little bit of our journey stats. Thanks for all the support, feedback and love you all! 1.0 is happening after: 9 failed experiments, 4 design iterations, 20 months of building, 23 AI models, 132 containers, 122 code repositories, 120+ releases, 2500+ AIs in beta, 32 investors, 54 contributors and I love them all! We believe every human could benefit from having a personal AI of their own. It's an asset that you will own, will be your forever, never stop learning about you and always creating value as your most original self. Love, Suman
Robin Huang
@xiaoran_zhang looks really cool! Can you explain a bit more about how the blockchain prevents others from reading my data?
Kelly Lovett
@xiaoran_zhang @shifullah_mansur Well we do love changing the game! Thanks for the reach out!
Suman Kanuganti
@matthew_foley hey Matt, thank you and to your question, the value add is 3 parts. #1 data privacy #2 data ownership guarantee and control and #3 personal AI tokenomics. #1 is implemented via Oasis Labs. I am sure there could be debate but given the stewardship with private keys on the blockchain, it helps us communicate trust that is need to ensure data belongs to the users. #2 ownership via Oasis allow to remove access to data from the models and still keep their data to themselves #3 not yet implemented, however, we will be issuing a creator token for each AI to create an economy around their personal AI. Given we the nature of decentralizing AI model down to individual, the business models and some chosen techniques adapt Web 3.0 It's more like Web 2.5 :) = performance of 2.0 and integrity of 3.0.
Aryan Venkat
@xiaoran_zhang This is an excellent app, and something I've been looking for! --- "deeply passionate about building responsible technology that moves the world forward -- embracing the principles of original thinking, authentic AI and the human right to privacy" Your mission statement resonates with mine and I look forward to working with you someday in the future. --- Twitter/Google Calender linking if failing. Kindly fix this.
Ayygari nageswararao
Really appreciate that you have two women founders. Don't see that enough. I'm rooting for the team!
Atima Lui
@ayygari_nageswararao we are so proud of our CTO @xiaoran_zhang & Head of Design @kristie_kaiser ! Thank you 👩‍💻
Kristie Kaiser
@ayygari_nageswararao Thank you so much! @xiaoran_zhang is an amazing partner to be working with and so proud of the team we've built with some very talent women, like @atima_lui ❤️
Suman Kanuganti
@ayygari_nageswararao Creativity comes in all genders, race, ability and profession. Thank you for your comment and we really love diversity of our team. Sharon and Kristie are the smartest women I met in my life + many other women who are part of the team.
Xiaoran Zhang
@ayygari_nageswararao Thank you! :) Working with our team of amazing women @kristie_kaiser @kelly_lovett @lakshmiy @thedarkerberry @sahitibond make everyday more enjoyable at the office.
Ty Walrod
Excellent team. This is bridging the gap between people and machines that augment our thinking.
Sahiti Bondelepati
@tywalrod We envision just that- a future where everyone can have their own authentic reflection of their human intelligence. Thank you Ty :)
Arun Nukala
Personal AI is really useful for those of us that are aging, suffer from memory loss and keep forgetting things. I highly recommend it.
Atima Lui
@arun_nukala Thanks so much, Arun! We look forward to supporting you with remembering for a lifetime
Sandip C
This product is sooooo helpful to me. I like to write a lot so i've put all my old writing in, and it comes up with some interesting writing prompts for new stuff. I'm going to add Twitter and hopefully it'll keep working
Atima Lui
@sandip_c Love this use case. Glad your personal AI is providing you with inspiration!
Anirudh Koul
There are some products you didn't know you need till you get to try them. This is one of them. While the general AI community has been talking about the promises of all the improvements in Natural Language Processing models in the last two years, I am glad your team was able to convert those promises to reality into a working product. Congratulations on the launch!
Kelly Lovett
@anirudhkoul That means a LOT coming from an NLP/AI expert like you! Thanks for your continued support of not just our product - but of our entire team at 🚀
Suman Kanuganti
@anirudhkoul thanks Anirudh - trying to bring the tech to solve the problems in real world. Kudos to you and many scientists across the world in making advances and fueling companies like ours to make best use of what's done out there.
Cristina Imre
Congratulations @xiaoran_zhang and team. We at Aecho followed your journey and very excited to see the evolution. Keep up the good job!
Marc Ettlinger
@xiaoran_zhang @cristinaimre Thank you for your support! Lots of stages of evolution ahead, but today is definitely a big day.
Cristina Imre
@xiaoran_zhang @marc_ettlinger I bet. You're not working on a simple problem to be solved and the solution is complex. We are in the same both, and so I empathize. But you'll get there with determination, and the right team by your side.
Marc Ettlinger
@xiaoran_zhang @cristinaimre Couldn't agree more and we are motivated by the complexity of the problem.
Xiaoran Zhang
@cristinaimre Thank you! Using science and AI to solve human problems (especially emotional and behavioral) is definitely a challenge but of infinite value to us humans! Glad that you are on the same mission!
Chandan Miskin
I have been using since its early days and absolutely love the concept... Having my own AI (an intelligent reflection of me) that can interact with anybody out there is super cool!
Sahiti Bondelepati
@chandan1x we couldn't have put it better ourselves. Thank you!
Benjamin Grandfond
I think it would be useful for doctors... Cool product, congrats ?makers :)
Xiaoran Zhang
@benjamin_grandfond2 Thank you! Is doctor your profession? Would love to hear about your use case.
Benjamin Grandfond
@xiaoran_zhang Not it is not. But I believe that as they meet many people every day it might be hard to remember everything. Moreover, they still take handwritten notes. From what I understand can record the voice and transcribe.
Robert Williams
Thanks for sharing. Two questions: 1) Are you having issues on the backend? I submitted my name/email to try it out and haven't received the confirmation mail after about 10 minutes (already checked in spam). 2) Can you speak more to the goal of the blockchain usage? I understand your intent is to provide a sense of privacy, but presumably the raw data needs to be fed into your models at some point anyway. How does jumping through a third party's blockchain hoops adding security over just encrypting it yourselves using a password derived key, etc.? Thanks again! I'll give the email another attempt and look forward to trying it out.
Kelly Lovett
Thanks @robert_williams14 - we are going to tag team your questions in two parts. To answer question 1 - we looked on the backend and didn't see your request, would you please email us at and we will be able to look up your email.
Xiaoran Zhang
@robert_williams14 Great insight on BC piece. We are building towards having the encrypted/user owned data shepherded into the models are also done in a secured manner - they are decrypted once inside TEE and then the model is ran on them so they stay private and safe. We leverage the technology of our partner Oasis Labs to do both secured data/control and secured compute.
Kelly Lovett
@personal @robert_williams14 awesome thank you! We can't wait to hear your feedback.
Frances West
Founder@FrancesWestCo. This is putting human vs technology first. Very cool and very needed.
Kelly Lovett
@franceswestco @frances_west Thanks for your continued support, insight and accessibility advocacy! Equitable personal AI's for all is a must! 🥳
Zac Kolton
I have been testing this since early summer, honestly the team is great and they are always looking for new ways to improve. They have worked very closely with the testers which, in my opinion, increased the overall quality of this product significantly. One of the testers’ use case was to essentially immortalize his thoughts so that when he was no longer around - his descendants could talk to an emulation of him. I thought that was the coolest thing ever and something I would have never thought be possible until this product came around.
Kelly Lovett
@zac_kolton Thanks Zac - you too are a rockstar! We appreciate your insight, feedback, and also the support within the community. 🚀
Atima Lui
@zac_kolton @kelly_lovett Thank you so much for the <3 Zac! Our community wouldn't be the same without you. Seriously!
Eduard Buta
Absolutely killer idea! However, for whatever reason, it won't let me sign-up. Button ain't working on any browser I try. Letting you know in case it's not an issue on my end.
Kenny Huynh
@eduard_buta Sorry about that, we are looking into it right away.
Kenny Huynh
@eduard_buta Can you try again now?
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
That's pretty cool, congrats!!
Ciro Campagnoli
Today is the day!
Kelly Lovett
@ciro_campagnoli Today IS the day! To the moon! 🚀
Xiaoran Zhang
@ciro_campagnoli Indeed! :) THE day.
Margarita Shvetsova
Wow!!! This is ground-breaking! A unique product indeed. I loved both videos, the one on your website and the one on the PH page. But I still have lots of questions :) Does it mean I have to record audio messages to record most of my memories? It sounds kind of time-consuming... and will AI be able to recognize 100% of speeach correctly? Of course I can see it's huge potential in so many cases. Congratulations team ?makers on creating such an exciting product!!!
Kelly Lovett
@margarita_s88 thanks for the insight and questions! So our app is set up to ambiently capture your speech, when you decide to sync, which will then create your own memory blocks. Lots of our users capture their speech during meetings, or phone calls, or just by speaking to the app directly. You can also create memory blocks by writing, or even coping text. We have a voice recognition trigger as well, the best way to learn more is to try out the beta for yourself. Thanks again for the support!
Margarita Shvetsova
@kelly_lovett hi Kelly, thanks for the extra information :) could I ask you a bit more? I am curious about the part when people use it to record their family memories. How does it usually work? For example, they had a great time at Disneyland or something - does AI try to sort out the 1000 pictures form Disneyland? Do people record audios (and texts, in the form of a diary) to keep those memories? I realize it's still in beta, but maybe in the future you could add some use cases in the form of case studies - that would be both an exciting read and also very, very helpful :) just tossing in an idea.
Suman Kanuganti
@kelly_lovett @margarita_s88 Hi Margarita - just realized this comment went unaddressed so jumping in. Sorry for late reply. Its designed such that in ideal world everyone has their personal AI. In your case each of the family members would have one of their own. So think about memories of each are kept/captured in each of their memory Stacks (all sorts of modalities). However the collection of the memories can be shared via AI. So rather thinking about sharing individual photos or memories captured, think of sharing them via their own AIs and interact with them just like people do. I probably confused you more but happy to chat more, it feels convoluted but its actually close to human behaviors :) DM me on our community
Margarita Shvetsova
@kelly_lovett @kanugantisuman Hi Suman - thanks for getting back to my comments! Yeah, I can imagine people using extensively in the future, and I especially like the social aspect of it, the way it can help people not just for business, but for their family relationships, it feels meaningful. Can I DM you on Linkedin? Sorry, I hardly use Discord 😇
Margarita Shvetsova
Some more questions: - does it support just English? Do you plan to add other languages (I mean speech recognition in the first place)? - I see it's free, do you plan to introduce some subscription plans soon? - the privacy of the personal information is a very important thing, of course. You do mention that this info will not be used for ads, but in the world where my smartphone can potentially track things I say... I need some solid proof until I dare to entrust AI with my personal stuff :) Will be happy if you can answer these questions. But again, amazing concept and I wish you best of luck with developing!
Kelly Lovett
@margarita_s88 Thanks for the additional questions, let me know if this helps: - Languages: English for now, additional languages on the roadmap in the future. - Subscription: Yes our beta is free, and will eventually be a monthly subscription service, but there will always be a free option/tier for our users as we believe in equitable access to personal AIs for everyone. - Data Privacy: Our users own their own data. This is one of our founding principles - and we are actually building in public, and in a way that even our own engineers can't access your memory blocks that you create. As a user of - you decide when, and if, you want to share your AI with others....which is also a feature on the roadmap. Hope that helps - and feel free to join our Discord Community and ask the entire team even more questions.
Margarita Shvetsova
@kelly_lovett thanks a lot for such quick answers! Could you please let me know if Russian is on the roadmap? :) Keeping a free option open is great, as I'm sure not everyone will be able to afford it. Thanks for clarifying on the privacy matter - that helps. And also thanks for the link - I've started looking at it, and it has a lot of answers too. Good luck on the launch - pretty sure I'll see you in Products of the Week :)
Atima Lui
@kelly_lovett @margarita_s88 Hey Margarita! Hopping in here! We definitely have adding Russian and other major languages of the world on our roadmap. We are quite a few ways out, but we definitely have a global mindset and think it is extremely important for us to have Russian in the app as soon as we can.
Margarita Shvetsova
@kelly_lovett @atima_lui Hey Atima, thanks so much for this info! Yay, great to hear you guys plan to add Russian! I agree, the number of Russian speakers is significant (it's even not just Russia). Also curious if you plan to add such languages as Chinese, Japanese, perhaps also Hindi? I suspect these are trickier... I do a lot of reseach on ways to go global and languages to consider, so it will be fascinating to watch your path to it :)
Kelly Lovett
@atima_lui @margarita_s88 That's fantastic! We too are excited for the expansion into additional stay tuned! Thanks for the feedback and support! See ya on Discord!
Brad Williamson
As an introvert, I talk to myself—like A LOT. Out loud and privately in my mind. Unfortunately, I don't have anywhere to store all of the new thoughts and ideas and intuitions that surface within me because I damn sure can't depend on my mind, my memory to remember it all. But now that I have Personal AI protecting my memory bank, my life has changed—obviously, for the better. No longer do I have to waste away—literally, me, myself, my inner essence—as a result of all of the creative energy that I have built up within me fading away, no thanks to a brain unfit to remember each detail of my day. But with Personal AI, I'm able to remember yesterday, pave my way into tomorrow, and create a future that actually resembles what Personal AI helped me remember. No detail is missed, no motivation is lost. Everything I remember ultimately gets created in my reality. Damn it feels good to feel superhuman. ;-) So yeah. Thanks, Personal AI. Thanks for literally saving my life. ;-)
Sahiti Bondelepati
@brad_williamson1 Brad- we love having you be such a core user of our community, and I personally love learning from you everytime we talk too. Thank YOU for being here.
Brad Williamson
@sahitibond I swear... I'm addicted to you guys! All of you are just so damn cool/nice that I can't help but wanna hang tight with ya. It's been—and I Imagine will continue to be—an absolute pleasure. ;-)
Sahiti Bondelepati
@brad_williamson1 The feeling is mutual :,)
Mitchell Kleinhandler
I have been using for 6 months and it gets better all the time. Great product
Kelly Lovett
@mitchell_kleinhandler thanks Mitchell - we look forward to the next 6 months, and the 6 months after that,etc. The team thanks you for your continued support and feedback as a beta user. 🚀
Emily Hill
Love, love, love
Kristie Kaiser
@emily_hill22 We love YOU