Amit superamit Gupta

Engineer Prints - Human-sized prints, $25.

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Allyson Downey
Found this on Product Hunt and loved it so much we did a whole dedicated email about it to our user base...
Ryan Hoover
@AllysonDowney great use case. It would be neat if Cluster integrated with Engineer Prints to make it easy for families and friends to print all those shared baby pics. cc @mulligan
Allyson Downey
@rrhoover Funny you mention... We were just talking about parent use cases for Cluster.
Amit superamit Gupta
@AllysonDowney so cool! Thanks for the love!
Amit superamit Gupta
@mulligan If that's of interest, let me know. Would love to talk integrations. /cc @rrhoover
Amit superamit Gupta
We've been testing this for a while, and super excited to launch it this morning. Our prints are B&W-only, and made on industrial machines typically used for blueprints and engineering drawings. They look amazing. And they are HUGE.
Ryan Hoover
I'd love it if you could scrape my Facebook or Instagram photos and make a 3x4 foot collage. What's the minimum resolution photo you'd recommend, @superamit?
Amit superamit Gupta
Great idea! It's a lo-fi look so 1000px x 1000px is our minimum. Unfortunately, individual Instagram photos still fall a bit short.
Dylan La Com
That's a sweet deal, nice job @superamit ! Any plans to offer color?
Amit superamit Gupta
Thanks @DylanLaCom, we're stoked! The low price point with shipping included is super important to us and took a really long time to achieve at this size. We'd love to do it with color some day but it will take some work!
Mark Chang
Great stuff. What would help a *lot* for non-artist types like me, is to be told what kind of photos work well with your print process. Help us get good prints the first time!
Kingsley Harris
Will Imholte
Damn straight. @superamit — The hanging example (gallery clips in the top right and left corners)—does that actually work? Did you weight the bottom corners, or use tacks to keep it flat?
Ece Manisali
What a fun idea! Have actually tried to source mural-size prints before & failed to find reasonable price/quality combo. FAQ doesn't mention anything around image ownership - any concerns around people using this to reprint images from their favorite photographer rather than their own camera? What if I uploaded an image of a famous painting - would it get flagged somehow or make it through?
Tom Masiero
@superamit you guys have been on a roll! A great example of ecommerce done right.
Owen Williams
Woah! This is glorious! I want so many things printed this size!
Amit superamit Gupta
@willimholte Definitely works. We print on a very light stock so you need very little weight to hold these straight. Making them easy to hang was a priority for us.
Amit superamit Gupta
@ecetweets You do need a decent resolution image to print through this which probably helps prevent too many rip-offs from photographers' work happening, but I think it's just as susceptible as any other print service or your own printer. It's a good point though, we'll stay on the lookout to make sure that's not happening.
Amit superamit Gupta
@blendahtom Thanks for the kind words!
Amit superamit Gupta
@ow DOOOO it. :) Let us know if we can help with some freebies for The Next Web office, too. ;-)
Jonathan Howard
AWESOME. I think @ashleylaurel is looking for just this for remodeling her room. I'll send this her way. Might give it a shot for myself too. +1 to the photo collage from Instagram idea from @rrhoover. A 4x4 should hit 1000x1000 easily (photoshop will do for now). I worked on Minted's Art Prints launch so I know how hard it is to get this down to $25 including shipping. Nicely done @superamit! Am I right that this is roughly poster quality paper? (At $25 incl shipping that's totally fine in my eyes) ps. Nice job using a 5' tall person to model ;)
Amit superamit Gupta
Thanks, @staringispolite! It's lightweight paper (20lb, roughly copy machine weight). We decided to make it as thin as possible because a) it's kinda cool and b) it's easier to hang and keep it from curling up. Was definitely a challenge to get the numbers to work out. Especially printing not far from San Francisco! Oh, and I asked Jen her height via HipChat: @superamit: how tall are you? @jenerific: haha @superamit srsly :) Someone on product hunt wants to know. @jenerific: ummm, i don't know @jenerific: 5'6? @jenerific: i think I'm 5'6 or 5'7 So there you go!
Jonathan Howard
Haha nice! I wasn't really asking, just teasing, since the 4 foot poster covered up most of @jenerific :) We had a similar solution to show scale at Minted btw. It's fun, but also simple quickly understandable/useful. Random use case: I used to see a lot of Pinterest posts about how you can make a fancy DIY headboard out of fabric or prints of this size, eg The same would apply with your prints! In general it'd be neat if you had Amazon links or similar, to DIY kits for framing it, making a headboard, hanging with just 4 of those metal clips in your ad, etc.
Will Imholte
Alright. Ordered my first copy of my face (to hang in the office, duh). Will report on level of awesomness/how long it stays up. Am expecting high/not long.