Photopea - An online, free, photoshop alternative that anyone can use.


Photopea, is an amazing, online image editor, whether you need to design a simple graphic or perform basic retouches to a picture, to advanced filters and scripting programming, Photopea has got you covered.

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Yaseer Sheriff
This product is amazing. Even moreso when you consider it's a solo developer who put in 5 hours a day for 3.5 years without making money. Now thankfully he does! Check out the reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/co...
This were exactly my keywords when I was searching online: "Photoshop Online Version" - and viola! there it was, Photopea, and amazing online editor which virtually has all of the same functionalities of Photoshop, and it's hosted online! no need to download bulky software, or go through the struggle of installing new software on your PC, that takes a lot of space, did I also mention it's FREE!? Photopea, gives you the power of doing lots of things, initially you can choose your design resolutions based on presets that you can use, it ranges from Web, to Social Media and Desktop Resolutions, already made for you. Next... I think it's the best part... The biggest resource pool of fonts that you will ever find! Finally, you don't need to be shy with the amazing range of different fonts that you can use in your project. Third, Photopea enables you to play with the editor via an API! Load images - ✔ Load text - ✔ use Editor options like Translate and such - ✔ And a wide range of other things you can do with it! If I were to enumerate all the good things, about Photopea, I wouldn't finish, but I will finish saying, Photopea is the father of all online image editors!
Justin Ahn
I work primarily on ChromeOS these days (currently on Pixelbook, was on Chrome Book) so I inevitably had to toggle with other devices that have PS installed (sorry, not doing Adobe's SaaS deal) in order to do any significant image editing. Sure, web apps like Canva are great; but they're pretty lightweight and are mainly for making quick social media posts IMO. Being introduced to Photopea has probably been the most productive event so far in 2020 for me. Everything I did on PS, I can do on Photopea. I can even make GIFs. Can't speak highly enough of this tool and am happy to see someone hunted it! FYI: I'm not a graphic designer so my image editor needs are not so intense. However, as most people working on a startup can attest, you'll probably have to dip your toes in the design waters at some point. And I haven't yet seen a meaningful web-based alternative to PS other than Photopea.
Vivek Tiwari
You sir, are going to change the way designers work.
@cryptomanniac Thank you for your comment, as I'm only the hunter of the product and the one who submitted it, I guess your comment was aimed towards the developer himself, 🎉👍 @ivan_kuckir
Ivan Kuckir
@cryptomanniac Thank you :)
Noah Finer
I’ve been a massive fan of Photopea since I found it two or three years ago and I’m glad to see all this hard work blasting off at ProductHunt. I’ve always been amazed that Photoshop could be basically remade from scratch in a web browser and somehow run faster and more efficiently. I help with a student org where many people who want to learn graphic design simply cannot afford Photoshop. All of them have been able to use Photopea and have zero trouble working with psds. I cannot wait to see whatever else happens to Photopea!!
Ben Church
An API out of the gate. I'm already excited. As a developer with some minor design chops I would love to finally hang up GIMP!
Gab Bujold 💀
Photoshop has a big learning curve and can be kind of expensive if you have to do a few designs, but you're not the official "designer" of your team. I decided to use Canva to create a few models, but it's pretty limited when you have to work a lot with specific illustrations. I've been searching for something in the middle of Ps & Canva. It's safe to say that Photopea is that solution. My photoshop skills are a little rusty, but I'm eager to work on a new design with this tool. And by being free & online, it's a no-braining in my book!
Amazing product, been using a lot! I would like to thank the maker!
Yaco Lioi
This solved a big problem in my girl AMD hackintosh. Couldn't edit smart objects on photoshop, neither on affinity. Photopea came to the rescue! 😁 Just shared this tool with all my friends, can't be happier
Unbelievably cool tool that I've used countless times to put together a layered mock of something quickly. (It's the first result on google for "online photoshop"). I'm no designer, but for the things I'm trying to do this is more than suitable. The fact that it is web based is just another +.
Emily Jackson
Fantastic product, good job! Photopea has become my go-to editing tool. In addition to this, I like to use VacneAI https://vanceai.com/ as well. It’s an online image enhancer powered by AI technology, which can help me optimize photos automatically and precisely. These two tools can meet all my needs in the photo-editing without taking much space from my computer!
Hans Dekker
Just started using it the other day, huge fan. Incredible!
Derck Hoogeboom
Will definitely try this out! Will mainly use this as replacement for software is currently use for quick small changes but a deep dive would be on my list. Maybe also nice for a more advanced Photoshop user to compare Photopea with Photoshop :)?
Fajar Siddiq
Been using the product for very long time for my projects. Love it!
Soumyadip Banerjee
Been using this product for a long long time now and I absolutely love this product. Canva stands no chance in front of Photopea as far as creating pro creatives is concerned (Read: Photoshop like).
I was looking for that for years ! Well done good it opens sketch !!
This is an amazing tool.
Christian Giordano
It's an amazing feat, congrats to the creator!
Thank you, Photopea!
I've used this long time back but I forgot the name. It's an amazing web app. 13/100 will recommend to everyone.