Matthew Smith

Phrasee - AI that writes better than you.

Phrasee is AI that does something many thought only humans could do. Phrasee has developed a world-leading Natural Language Generation system, which can generate millions of human-sounding, brand-compliant copy variants at the touch of a button.

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Scott Bowler
And now for the million dollar question: how much does it cost? I'm guessing this is only affordable for mega corporations and out of reach for the average Product Hunt company.
Parry Malm
@scotty_bowler Hey Scott, you are correct. Our tech is focused on enterprise brands like eBay and Domino’s. Maybe one day we will expand the offering for the SME market but we are growing at quite a clip with enterprises, so that’ll remain our focus for the foreseeable.
Rahul pratap
@scotty_bowler @parry_van_malmsteen One reasonable question then, why we should upvote it here?
Parry Malm
@scotty_bowler @rahulpratap I mean, you do what you feel is right. Note that I didn't list Phrasee on PH, it was done by an unconnected third party over which I have no control.
Matthew Smith
Super interested to hear how this works. Has anyone used it?
Parry Malm
Parry here, Phrasee CEO. My review is therefore incredibly biased. But just because I'm biased doesn't mean I'm wrong. Some of the world's biggest brands use our proprietary AI technology on a daily basis to increase engagement from their email, push and social channels. Over 300m people have experienced our technology across Europe, US, Asia & Australia.
Howard Keziah
I’m just wondering why this is on Product Hunt. Usually everything here is a product or service for the average person/dev/etc. From the makers reply below, that’s not the case for this product.
Parry Malm
@howard_keziah Note that we didn't post it, but of course reacted to its being posted. I can't comment on why we're on ProductHunt, outside of our control.
Alex MacGregor
Wow, this sounds like grammarly on steroids! Looking forward to trying this out,
Peter Duffy

Phrasee has developed a really clever Natural Language Generation system, which can instantly generate millions of human-sounding, brand-compliant copy variants. very clever tech.


Innovative technology and stellar service


none really

Harry Boxhall
Keeping a close eye on this, honestly looks great.
Ryan Leverington💎
Looks dope. Sent a demo request. Pricing information would be great!
Johny vino
Waiting for it long time, how can I get the invite
How much does it cost?
looks so good.very much interested
Why to share it on PH, without having any demo?