Thanks @lachlankirkwood! We started Pico with a clear mission in mind – to protect the Fourth Estate as the print and ad business models it had previously depended on have collapsed. The success of Netflix, the New York Times, and Spotify on one hand and Patreon on the other has made clear that subscription and membership is the path forward – but there was no easy-to-use tools to make this possible for small and midsize businesses. Pico stepped in to fill this gap for them in the same way Square has for brick and mortar vendors or Shopify, for online shops.
What we didn’t anticipate was the movement of other types of audiences to also aggregate around trusted sources of information and community – from fan clubs and e-commerce to artists and nonprofits. It’s clear to us that a significant portion of the future Internet’s GDP will be built around relationships and that’s the future we’re trying to build for.