Picture This
Daily photo scavenger hunt from app crowsourcer, Dandy
Matt Gardner

Picture This — Daily photo scavenger hunt from app crowsourcer, Dandy

Ryan Hoover
I hadn't heard of Dandy before. Fascinating model. I'm naturally very skeptical that crowdsourced design will lead to a great product. At the end of the day, you need someone to drive the vision. I wonder how much the community directly influences the end product.
Matt Gardner
What I find interesting about this is that the entire app from idea to name to tagine was crowsourced by a company called Dandy. They were in our accelerator cohort and they have some cool plans for the platform they've created.
Matt Gardner
The way they've run Picture This so far is to concentrate on it as though it was there own from conception. I.E. turning Picture This into a solid standalone business until moving onto the next crowdsource. It's been interesting to watch the transformation (they were also in the accelerator pre-product) to where they are today.