Ivy Da

PictureThis - Instantly identify your plants, must-have App for spring.


Instantly identify plants. Accurate, fast and content rich! In addition to description and plant care tips, enjoy beautiful plant pictures around the world. Simply take a photo of the plant, PictureThis answers all the questions for you.

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Ivy Da
Instantly identify plants. Accurate, fast and content rich! In addition to description and plant care tips, enjoy beautiful plant pictures around the world. PicturesThis helps more than 30,000,000 users identify, learn, and enjoy all kinds of plants: flowers, trees, succulents, cacti, mushroom and more! When you take a walk during sunny days, have you ever come across a beautiful flower you would know more about? When you’re at vacation with families, have children ever asked you questions about plants? When you’re doing garden work, have you ever need tips on plant caring? Simply take a photo of the plant, PictureThis answers all the questions for you. PictureThis is capable of identifying 10,000+ plant species with accuracy of 98%, better than most human experts. With revolutionary artificial intelligence engine, it’s constantly learning from experts and specialists, identify more and better everyday. And now it’s all at your fingertips! Picture this plant, and Enjoy! Key Features: - Instantly Identify thousands of plants, flowers, and trees with advanced artificial intelligence - Learn more about plants, including beautiful pictures around the world - Get suggestions and advice from a network of friendly garden and horticulture specialists --Plant care tips and watering reminder, help you better grow your lovely plants. - Easy-to-use interface with friendly guides to help you get the best photo - Quickly and easily share your photos with a growing community of plant lovers - Keep track of all the plants, trees, and flowers you identify in your own personal collection PictureThis team hopes to build a vibrant community for plant lovers and help more people know more about plants. PictureThis has been featured in the App Store from different countries. User Comments: Astonishing accuracy “Very impressed. While not perfect, it can distinguish with high accuracy between different species in our collection of rare plants. It can even recognise down to cultivar sometimes - amazing. Amazed how it can work with any photo and it will give recognition a go - with impressive accuracy.” -San Fran Today Simple and Easy “I am very pleased with this app. I used 3 others before breaking down to use the PictureThis app and I have to say it is a lot more convenient and accommodating than the others.” -FoodCake So relaxing and interesting! “I had the origin/history, uses, scientific name (class, family, genus, and more!), and for some flowers it gave some typical Victorian Flower Language meanings. It was great!! Honestly a 10/10 recommendation, and it deserves the 5 stars I gave it!” -Sadara Uchiha CONNECT WITH US Facebook.com/PictureThisAI Twitter.com/PictureThisAI Instagram.com/PictureThisAI
Lu Shulian
Last Fall, we moved into a new house having no idea what kind of foliage lay dormant in our yard. Now, Spring has sprung and I have been so pleasantly surprised by the number of plants, veggies, herbs and even “typical garden” plants that have emerged. Without this app I’d be constantly googling the descriptions of each blossom, leaf, and stem that appears while trying to narrow down the images of potential matching plants that pop up. This app has been SO satisfying and I highly recommend it. It seems to have a thoroughly stocked database as I have yet to find a plant to without a match on the app. I’ve told many of my friends about it and they’re all hooked too.
Linfeng Han
What an amazing gift to be able to id any plant without a textbook. Imagine what people from 100 years ago would have thought about this.
Andrew Rose
This product is a scam. It is a trick to charge your account 19.99. Buyer beware.