Chris Messina

PictureThis 2.0 - Instantly identify plants like a botanist in your pocket 🌱

Top Hunter

PictureThis® identifies 1,000,000+ plants every day with 98% accuracy-better than most human experts. Get your gardening questions answered and become a “green thumb”!
Simply take a photo of the plant and PictureThis answers all the questions for you!

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Sharlene from Bannernote
Love this one! Used it on my trip to spain!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I saw this featured somewhere and thought it was a really great application of computer vision. I always kill my plants, so maybe an app like this can help me identify what I'm working with to keep them healthy a bit longer! Here's to a better relationship with nature in 2021!
Rajat Bagree
Cool one! Very creative and unique idea!
Jake Tital
The question is can it identify Cannabis and Hemp plants
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@jaketital try it and let us know!
Andrew Yates
Used this quite a bit throughout the year. Super useful to figure out what was already growing in our new garden.
Zach Harper
Kudos for launching the product
Pierre Vannier
There is another great app which name is “plantnet”. I know it because it’s maintained by French scientists. (I’m not involved or have anything to do with it but I know the app is very accurate)
Leo J Barnett
Love your plant capture app. Thanks for creating the magic. (Keen flower presser here btw (Yep very cool indeed)). I think a feature where you can multi-capture all your plants in the household/garden at once followed by reviewing them all afterwards would be great. This would be much more efficient and friendly experience IMO. Hope that's helpful and possible! HYE! :) @neil_anthony @chrismessina