Hey Product Hunt!
We're so excited to be back to the place where it all got started. We've learned so much from all of the incredible artists that we've met since launching here back in November.
We think Pikazo 2.0 will do a better job than ever of creating incredible, electrifying art that connects you to the old masters and impresses you and the people you care about.
Our new version features pin-sharp 10 MEGAPIXEL resolution (10x better than the instant apps) with images that include every nuance of every brushstroke— when you use a style from Van Gogh, you're being painted by Van Gogh's actual brush. When you use pizza as your style…
We've also partnered with one of the best fine art printers in the country, and we're giving all Product Hunters a free, gorgeous, high resolution print to honor the incredible artwork possible with Pikazo. To claim it, just go to http://www.pikazoapp.com/printin....
As a little five-person team in St. Louis, we can't tell you how honored and grateful we are to get to see so many art lovers begin to become art makers with Pikazo. We hope you'll visit with some of them in the Pikazo Salon, where our artists gather to share styles, give tips, and even discuss the future of art. Check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/...
And a big thank you to Nathan Bashaw for hunting us. We're huge fans of his work with Hardbound, turning smartphone users back into readers by providing deep, timeless stories that explain the world around us.
@nivo0o0 Thanks so much man! This was the hardest video to make, we kept getting hypnotized while watching it!
Zoom it to fullscreen to get a sense of the quality…and then realize you're only seeing half of what a 3200x3200 resolution Pikazo can really deliver!
@nivo0o0 Yeah, the video is actually a sampling of the styles that are available in our "readymades" section. Each one was processed by the Pikazo AI, analyzed for its style, and then repainted on Mona Lisa.
We went with Mona so that you could consistently see the power of the styles, but the subject could of course be anything – your selfie, your kids, your dog – and in fact the style could be any image you provide. It's endless, and the results are endless, and the feeling of satisfaction you get from finding a perfect combination is even better than the feeling of finding a rare Pokemon!
I've been addicted to Pikazo for the past three months. Here are some examples of a photo I took of an ice cream truck by the World Trade Center:
Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/XHEDK
@astonishedface I love the last Pikazo style - reminds me of a "child's drawing" but in a more sophisticated style that a child wouldn't be able to produce. The colors really pop too.
Love the app @nrose! This is going to be really fun. Just a quick suggestion, since it takes a little bit to render the painting it'd be great if there was some way to indicate that it was in the "rendering" phase. I didn't realize that it was still processing until a little later when my paintings finally popped up, and during the delay I wasn't quite sure if I'd done it right. Little detail, but it'd be really helpful for first-time users. Other than that, great job man! Love that you're bringing art to everyone!
One use for the app that I never envisioned: my kid loves it. It's really cool seeing what kind of art she'll come up with! She loves to check out the differences that each piece of art gives to her image. We love it!
Great update! Thanks for adding the option to have higher resolution! I liked to use a Paul Wright painting as style. Is it possible to suggest new painters in your style shop somewhere?
@hanothan we think this is a space as large as bitcoin with room for many uses and many jobs for many different people.
Prisma feels like the ultimate final form of the selfie filter, like that job can get no better.
Our goal is to turn art lovers into art makers, and in that way see ourselves as just the simple beginning of a whole new world.
@saijo_george horrible feedback 😄 what specifically are you responding to?
We certainly do some things differently and are always excited to keep perfecting what we're doing, so specific feedback is really welcome.
@frassmith absolutely! We are a small company so can only conquer one hill at a time 😄 but iPad is very close and we're using it internally. Potentially shipping on the next update, but in the meantime it runs quite well in the simulator!
Hello Pikazo!. Is it possible to use your product in the ecommerce site as part of user created special card, where they can combine their image and our image? Do you consider licensing or contracting for that type of work?
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