Tristan Pollock

Pillsy - Smart pill bottle with automatic tracking and reminders

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Jeff LeBrun
Thanks for hunting, Tristan! Hi Hunters! I'm Jeff, co-founder of Pillsy. We believe that design and technology can be used to help people take control of their health in ways that the healthcare system is not doing. Our smart pill bottle and app makes it easier for people to manage pills for themselves, and for their loved ones too. We've been working on Pillsy for over 2 years and we're excited to be launching today on our website,, after over a year of beta testing. One thing we've learned is that there are many use cases for our product. From the young mother who is taking a prenatal vitamin to parents who want to help make sure their children manage their mental health, many people appreciate the help although it's not typically something they'd post about on Facebook. We've aimed to create a product and experience that's lightweight, secure, and easy-to-use. Hunters, we'd love your feedback. PRODUCT HUNT SPECIAL: Use Code PHUNTER for 20% off! Thank you!
Cindy Kim
@jrlebrun HI :) I tried using the PHUNTER228 when checking out for my order worth of $69 but it won't work?
Jeff LeBrun
@cindy_kim Hey Cindy, apologies! Try code PHUNTER. Should be fixed.
Jeff LeBrun
@cindy_kim We were having issues with our payment processor, so we just switched. Should be working now.
Jeff LeBrun
@cindy_kim Really? I just tested it and it's working for me. PHUNTER right?
Tristan Pollock
I was surprised to learn that on average people take their medication correctly less than 50% of the time. Pillsy is a smart pill bottle and app that automatically tracks your pills and that sends intelligent reminders when you forget. You can use it for yourself or to take care of a loved one. Pretty rad.
Charles Kirschner
Are they selling their users' aggregated anonymized data to third parties in any way?
Jeff LeBrun
@cdkii Nope.
Jesper Hessius
Looks great, what are the regulatory hurdles for a product like this in the us? In the EU this kind of stuff is heavily regulated; if the app / device would mess something up it could be catastrophic
@hsus And what about the security?
@hsus @jqiye Hi guys, thanks for the interest! We take privacy and security very seriously. Our smart pill bottle does not contain or store any personal information, and our platform is backed by HIPAA compliant and healthcare grade security.
Otto Sipe
Good question!
David Ryan
This looks really interesting. I used to look at my grandmothers pill box, one of those "Monday to Sunday" things, and think that was only for old people. Until I started to miss some of my malaria medication while I was working in Cambodia. A little extra reminder can make more a significant peace of mind! Part of what caught my eye was also the calendar view. Just taking vitamins daily can be a little too much, but remembering gaps between them can make for a mental juggling act. Being able to space out some supplements across a schedule and not have to think about it again would be nice. Especially while traveling/with timezone hopping. Nice one.
Jeff LeBrun
@davedri Thanks David! Yeah, Chuks and I have taken malaria medications too, although not in the era of Pillsy (we've both gotten malaria too, hehe). Next time I'm traveling somewhere I need to take malaria pills you know I'll be taking Pillsy!
@jrlebrun @davedri malaria is kind of bad for your health ;)
Daniel Ravina
A while back, I worked on a mobile app for nursing homes. The nurses would walk around and the app will track who needs to take their meds at any time, who missed the meds, who refuses to take them, etc. It had a great potential but was adopted slowly because the nurses needed to enter all the data manually (which was still orders of magnitude better as they had no tracking prior to that, not even paper). If the consumer market doesn't fly, I think your product will be a great solution for nursing homes! Good luck!
Jeff LeBrun
@danielravina Thanks! That's something we'll be looking into for sure. We're currently planning some pilots with pharmacies and other providers to collect data proving the health benefits of our behavior training approach. Long term goal is to get Pillsy covered as a benefit by employers and insurance!
Daniel Foster
Pillsy could end up saving quite a few lives. Congratulations on the launch!
Kenneth Colon
Awesome product guys! Well done!
Jeff LeBrun
@kcolon23 Thanks Kenneth! We appreciate the support!
@kcolon23 Thanks much!
David Milberg
Very useful product for anyone who has a tendency to forget things!
Matt McCormick
This looks awesome! Nice Work! Is the app available for Android (only see iPhone tagged here)? When do you start shipping and do you have a link to the apps? Gonna use this for my epileptic dog!
Otto Sipe
@mbmccormick Yep. Android and iOS will be launching at the same time once we start to ship final units at the end of the month.
Is this Dutch?
Jeff LeBrun
@jonastwt Nope, but I've got Dutch Heritage!
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
This should be RX'd with ADHD meds. Did I take them yet? Um, wasn't paying attention and can't remember.... <-- every morning.
Jeff LeBrun
@kkdub Thanks! Yeah, we've had a number of beta testers using this for ADHD medications and they've had some of the most positive feedback!
Erick Barron
"Aiden missed his medication today." 😂 Sounds like what my dad normally does.
Kaben Clauson
Not just for old people! If anything, young people need to be reminded more.
Jeff LeBrun
@kbclauson You nailed it! Statistically speaking, younger people actually miss way more doses than older people.
I absolutely love your idea! I wanted to order 2 of them, but you have really high shipping rates to germany (99$) - is this because of regulation or for other reasons?
@sschannak Yeah, shipping to Russia is 99 USD as well, although if I buy something this size at ebay, shipping is about 10-20 USD. I doubt this is due to regulations. It's just a smart bottle, I might keep my "Hershey's kisses" in it and track how many I eat during a day.
Jeff LeBrun
@sschannak Thanks for checking us out and apologies for this! We're only shipping to the U.S. and Canada right now for regulatory. We were disappointed to find that our payment provider does not have a system that enables us to restrict orders based on Country, so we increased the shipping price to try to discourage international orders for the time being. This was primarily for regulatory reasons. We've been working on this and are switching payment systems to eliminate this confusion. Curious though - were you more interested in the vitamin or the medication bottle?
Jeff LeBrun
@ruslani Again, apologies regarding the confusion and please see my reply to Sven. We're working on this. We will be able to ship outside of North America soon but we're just being a little cautious about this right now.
@jrlebrun to tell you the truth: i dont really see the difference between the two of them. But speaking in general: I think german people dont really take a lot of vitamin pills - so the medication bottle would be more interesting. And if you are interested: I can connect you with a german company who can help you with the EU regulations.
Jeff LeBrun
@sschannak Yes, I'd appreciate a connection! My contact is And yeah, it seems like Europeans typically receive vitamins and medications in blister packs, not vials, so we didn't see quite as much of a fit.
I'm not sure how this works, the website has no real information about it. Does it measure the volume in a bottle or just tracks if the lid was opened? Can I keep 2 kinds of pills (say vitamins and aspirin) in a bottle and it will track exactly which pill I've taken?
@ruslani Thanks for the interest. This iteration of the bottle does not track volume. Pillsy senses when the lid is opened, and if the "open" action corresponds to a preset dose schedule, it records that as a dose taken. It then syncs with the mobile app and shows the action as a dose taken on your dashboard, which is ofcourse editable. Many people have asked if this is fool-proof. We designed Pillsy as a simple tool, which is intended for people who are interested in using it as an aid for staying on top of their medication regimen. Lastly, there is no way to track what pill you've taken if you put two kinds of pills in a bottle --you might have to check with your doc to know if that's safe ;)
Jonathan Richman
Reminds me of the old days when GlowCaps came out about 8 years ago (
Jeff LeBrun
@jonmrich Yep, back when Nokia flip phones and ringtones were the rage!
Nazim Amin
Remember working on this exact idea with my teammates at PennApps 2 years ago. Glad to see it coming as a consumer product 😄
Jeff LeBrun
@amin_nazim Awesome! Would love to discuss sometime!
Sandro Munda
Congrats guys! I love that!
Jeff LeBrun
@seyz_ Thanks Sandro! We're actually big fans of Forest too!