We're Time Warner customers here in Manhattan and this sounds very cool. I think we're on the cheapest plan which is $225/mo and I'm getting http://www.speedtest.net/my-resu.... Do you know what the cost of 100mbps plan is for TW and how does that compare with Pilot?
@smalter Many of our customers have come to us from TWC. They were paying anywhere between $200-$500 /month.
TWC doesn't offer a 100Mbps up+down option with no contract and an uptime guarantee. That's where we come in!
@paulgeller Good question, this is not a result. The new FCC NN rules came out after we launched. The first set of rules to be introduced do not require existing last mile providers (like Verizon) to provide new providers (like us) with access to their infrastructure.
Ahh man- I know a lot of NYC residents who would love to have this option at home. Is there anything preventing Pilot from serving the residential market, or is it just a decision made early on to initially focus on the commercial side?
@nicolasegosum 38 EUR for business or for residential? Our pricing is just for businesses. Many companies here in NYC pay $3000+ for internet, it's insane!
We all hate our internet providers. They're slow, unreliable, and overpriced. We think you should love your ISP, and that's why we built Pilot (currently available for businesses in Manhattan). We offer gigabit internet with transparent pricing, no contracts, and Meraki-like control of your office network. We just updated our website and we'd love feedback. I'm here to answer any questions!
@nicolasegosum@m_patrik Keep in mind these are business internet plans that probably allow much larger amounts of bandwidth. A regular home connection with 150mbps in the US on Verizon FiOS costs $200 a month for example.
@nicolasegosum Belive it or not Internet connections here in US are way more expensive (and slower) than in Italy with Fastweb. They're also targeting businesses not the domestic market, they likely have better SLAs, guaranteed bandwidth and more. Fastweb at 38 EUR/month only guarantees you that during the weekend they are not working :)