After a 7 year hiatus Pin Drop is back! The simplest way to remember locations on your mobile. Pin Drop locations and make them useful / personalised and most importantly, private to you.
Pin Drop has been around for a while but FINALLY relaunched! Come check out the updated app and restore your data from when the app closed down in 2014!
Congrats on relaunching guys! Really loved the app in 2014 and was sad to see it go. I've got a LOT of pins in Google Maps now but it would be nice to have them better organised in Pin Drop.
@pindropapp@caffeinehit Thanks! When I tap on Restore data, that screen is frozen for me. I can't go back or tap on anything. I need to close the app and re-open. Other than that everything is looking great!
This seems like a useful app to have. Especially liked the feature for making pins public or keeping them private.
I’m excited to see if future updates provide us a way to see all the pins in a user's current location and its proximity.
@guptaakshitaa this is how the app works at the moment. You can order your pins by distance (closest / furthest), alphabetical etc etc. Hope that helps! :)
Really excited this has relaunched as my friends and I were JUST discussing how something like this is so necessary. I used to used Swarm to track places I liked but it wasn't private, so I wasn't that into it. Excited to use this app!
@nadia_masri Syncing with 4sq / Swarm is something we're looking at too so you can easily port across your favourite places and finally make them useful :)
Pin Drop
Pin Drop
Pin Drop
Pin Drop
Pin Drop