Un-Pink the web, protect yourself from Trademark Trolls 🤦
Ben Lang
Pink-Out Extension — Un-Pink the web, protect yourself from Trademark Trolls 🤦
Browse without fear of “trademark trolls!” This Chrome Extension ensures that wherever you browse, you’ll be pink-compliant by removing questionable shades from the web. 🧹
T-Mobile affiliated pages will work unaffected by this extension. 🤦 #FreeThePink
Yuval Leshem
Well played! #FreeThePink
Miriam Schwab
Haha I love this!! Amazing way to make an important point. Good job Itamar and Lemonade!
yael wissner-levy
PHEW! Finally you can browse the web and be pink-compliant!!
Kai Gradert
Did they really secure the trademark for Magenta? I remember many years ago, they tried and got denied because Magenta was “too broad.” They might have some protection in combination with their logo or wordmark, but not flat out on just the color.
Omri Aloni
Hell yes.
Anthony Hamelle
I love this initiative, one that takes (abusive) powers out of the hands of a few brand trolls to put them in the hands of Internet users and consumers. I wonder, had you considered doing it the other way around, i.e. creating an extension that removes magenta from all DT/T Mobile pages and properties, and applies it on many others?
Bernardo Mannelli
😂 well done!
Ariela Abesera
Great idea! Well done :)
Maya Cohen Prosor
Eric R. Burgess
In case you are wondering, this is great marketing. I'm totally giving Lemonade a look.
Gil Sadis
Brilliant #freethepink
Noam Knispel
The web is just a sad place now. 😭 #FreeThePink
Brilliant. No one have the rights to own a certain color. Not even T-Mobile The extension idea is a brilliant idea that can actually show the world how absurd this situation is
Antu Biswas
#FreeThePink Smart move :)
Kyle Robinson
I was certain they trademarked Magenta after my pink balls. They can take me to court but they can't take my sack.
Dominik Sobe
Haha this is so good! Love it when people actually take their time to play the game!
Eden Adler
Creative and well-executed! Congrats!
Raz Atias
Love this!!
Magdalena Carla
Can we give corporations less power? I find the fact that a company can own the rights to a color, highly disturbing.
Dallin Preece