We're really excited to be a part of this at Shopify!
Our goal is to bring the discoverable products that pinners already like to engage with into the Buyable Pins program with the large scale of independent brands and merchants we have.
More details on our integration are at: https://www.shopify.com/blog/277...
Pinterest has been a "shopping platform" for a while and we've all been waiting for them to add something like this.
It's interesting to see more large companies move further down the value chain, from discovery to transaction. In the past week, Google confirmed they're adding "buy buttons" to search results and Instagram just added shop now/install/sign up buttons for their advertisers. Meanwhile, Amazon quietly launched Stream, a destination to discover "beautiful things daily" to capture more of the lean back, discovery opportunity that Pinterest and IG are designed for.
Fascinating to see these players converge and I'll be watching closely. 😉
@d2burke I thought quite the contrary. Wouldn't this be *fantastic* for sites like Etsy? If Etsy integrates their payment system into Pinterest like this, it could increase sales of Etsy products shared on Pinterest ten-fold.
@adrian_cooney I see this point, but only until retailers figure out that they can do all of these things right on Pinterest. Further, once consumers realize they don't have to leave the Pinterest experience, why would they?
This is going to be huge.
Reminds me of this article on medium; https://medium.com/@docjamesw/tw...
Quote: "When real value exists in your ecosystem you have the potential to become an engine of commerce, a force to help people get things done."
This is a fantastic idea. What Pinterest lacks in diverse user appeal (it's a massive network, but largely dominated by a few niches), it makes up for in user engagement and commercial opportunity.
This is a great way for Pinterest to monetize, and make their site more valuable without flooding the UX with ads. This is Pinterest's core advantage over the Facebooks and Twitters of the world.
my point of view is that pinterest after adding this feature is putting it self in the front row, also i hope they could add someday a service to purchase handmade jewellery, soaps , flowers bouquets, etc
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