Pierre-Marie Galite

Pinterest Lens - Shazam for objects in the real world πŸ“ŒπŸ”Ž

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Ryan Hoover
When does Google buy Pinterest? πŸ€” Pinterest is sitting on a wealth of data, driven by it's community of 150M+ monthly users, and invested a ton of engineering into classification of photos to power visual search. Compared to Google Image search results, Pinterest is far superior. In a future where more of our interaction with technology is through images, video, and soon augmented reality, Pinterest becomes a huge threat to Google.
Alan Cassinelli
@rrhoover Pinterest seems like the perfect evolution of Google image search - which hasn't seen much product development in years. An acquisition makes a lot of sense. Does Alphabet have a 'P' company yet? :)
Philipp WΓΌthrich
@alancassinelli @rrhoover Yes there is, Google Patents (patents.google.com)
@rrhoover or, When does Snap buy Pinterest?
Leeyen Rogers
@sandrojazzar @rrhoover Snap's features are being successfully replicated by Instagram. I predict that Pinterest will be the bigger player
Richart Ruddie
@rrhoover @SarahTavel Interested to hear your thoughts on this?
Ben Tossell
This is what I thought Snapchat would do, with some things. As a camera company, intrigued to see if this would be their path too
Niv Dror
@bentossell you said you was offline ☝️
Aidan Wolf
@nivo0o0 @bentossell #ohshit #ohnoyoudinnit #putemup #throwdown #dedass #dramaalert
Ben Tossell
@nivo0o0 technically NEVER offline πŸ™„ But am toning down to 'casual internet browsing' at 8pm
Rick Chen
@bentossell A camera company πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ I stilldon't know how I feel about this.
Pierre-Marie Galite
This is really something interesting: just point & shoot at something and Pinterest will try to get the best related items, searching through its giant image database. A simple example would be with clothes, you find something you like and want to re-create the same style, Lens is here for you! There is an article on The Verge : http://www.theverge.com/2017/2/8...
Abhishek Mishra
@tsunaze when will pinterest launch this?
Neenu Jacob
@tsunaze Hi Pierre-Marie, love Pinterest Lens. Here's something in the same vein that we've built http://get-hook.com/, a fashion discovery app that let's you search, most importantly 'Snap & Search'. I think, the big difference is, that we bring back live shoppable links. Would be great to know what you think about Hook. http://wwd.com/business-news/tec...
Steven Ramkumar
@abhi_shek1994 @tsunaze we launched yesterday in Beta on iOS and Android, we'll start rolling out to everyone in the next coming weeks.
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
**Warning: I'm about to geek out.** Did Pinterest just become an automated Jelly app meets Google search? I absolutely love it. Language barriers will be cut down drastically as AI can figure out what we were thinking of, and provide us with the right information we want. I'm actually talking about this at the @WorldCommForum in March. While this is a step in the right direction, I think it can get even more granular with companies like @neurable and advances like #neuraldust. Maybe we should look at conversations around: Is it OK that language be replaced by thought? What are the communication impacts of AI? Can we become Superhuman if we incorporate #AI into our bodies? Clearly this is just an image to search app, but have no doubt that this just put Pinterest on the #AI map in the same way that @PokemonGoApp did for #AR. I'm thoroughly impressed.
AndrΓ© J
@nassaraf AI conferences are πŸ‘Œ no humans allowed though πŸ˜›
Dulitha Wijewantha
@nassaraf this is really an interesting idea. I have been looking into how this would impact the AI landscape. One of he biggest barriers to this is that human cognition and process changes wildly among different cultures. And I guess that's the beauty of it. What we need is not thought to thought communication but better tools for our brains to directly plug into for data and communicate humanely πŸ™Œ
Abhilash Jain
I matched images from my Etsy store to see similar images, man was I surprised, it's super neat and very accurate. Just thinking out loud, Pinterest could totally be the next place where I want to shop. There are these situations where you don't remember the brand, but you remember designs, colors or other visual references. Using that on search or using a relevant image to find what you want is super powerful, I personally tried a few matches and they led me to what I expected immediately. If only there was a buy button linked with my paypal/coinbase :D
AndrΓ© J
@findabhilash You could even snap an expensive item and "steal-the-style" aka find the cheap equivalent at ikea.
Brandon Mowat
Pinterest is probably one of the most underrated tech companies. People need to give them waaaaaay more credit. They do some amazing work.
Guillaume Flandre
This is huge, it has so much potential and could be a way to onboard many people that are not Pinterest users yet. At least I can definitely see myself using it more often now
Will they have an API for this? That would be sweet!
Steven Rueter
This is a great idea and mainstream use of a pretty common technology. Good to see Pinterest picking this up, as it helps its user base solve the problem, "I want that, where do I get it?"
Michael Sarlitt
Wow. Even aside from Lens, kudos to Pinterest on the Instant Ideas feature and overall design of the feed. The pin interaction features are really well done. Hadn't updated in a while.
Matthieu de Luze
This could be a great new channel to work on for content creators, I'll be curious to test it concretely πŸ€”
Abhishek Mishra
If this will work then it's going to be the future of visual discovery. Not just objects but people and places can be identified too. But it's not that easy as it sounds.
Aleh Barysevich
Oooh, would love to test this out! Keep us posted on your progress.
Cat Noone
I remember when I was leading iOS design at EyeEm and the engineering team was building the tech to enable you to recognize concepts and emotions in images. It was mind blowing to me, and can only imagine what went into the tech and process for creating Pinterest Lens. But much like Google Images, there is a limit to what most B2C products can actually do with that technology. For Pinterest, the number of DAU (content creators and consumers) + the SWARM of Data + Visual Search + Ability to convert image recognition to purchases = a gold mine and huge competition.
AndrΓ© J
@imcatnoone Here is a library that utilize TensorFlow and metal in iOS: https://developer.apple.com/libr... Would be interesting to hear what the pinterest team used.
Avi Jit
Partpic was already doing that, right?
Jake Wetton
Game changer
@rrhoover I can't find it. Is there a way to join the beta?
Bridget McGraw
My 2 cents: keep your eyes on Amazon @rrhoover.
Anna Smith
Teekay Rezeau-Merah
Does anyone actually use this ?