Jackson Prince

Pioneer Challenge: Build a New Terminal - Phase 1 begins with a 48hr Hackathon this weekend.

No plans for the weekend? Join us for our second Pioneer Challenge: Build a New Terminal. Begins with a 48hr Hackathon starting Friday August 7th. Ends with a $20,000 investment in one month. Get started here: https://pioneer.app/challenge.

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Jackson Prince
Hello Product Hunt! The Terminal hasn't changed much since the 1980s. Every other aspect of your workflow is radically different. Especially in the last decade, we’ve seen companies transform industries with the advent of collaborative software: Figma (collaborative design), Github (collaborate code), G Suite (collaborative Word and Excel) and more. We expect real-time collaboration to dominate future markets as the pandemic runs its course and forces people and businesses online en masse. An entire frontier is now wide open to ambitious engineers. What, then, is next? We believe Terminal.app is ripe for innovation. What would your Terminal look like in multiplayer mode, built for teams? Surely there's an easier way to manage SSHing to AWS/GCP. How about chat, CMD+R across the team, and other plum integrations (Stack Overflow, Ruby docs, GPT-3)? At the very least, reimagining the engineer’s command center is an interesting experiment. And if successful, your work has the potential to fundamentally change the work of every developer on the planet. We’re excited to announce our second Pioneer Challenge: Build a New Terminal. HOW IT WORKS -- Phase 1: The Hackathon. A 48-hour hackathon anyone can join, starting August 7th. 5 winners are selected from the hackathon and incorporated for free into companies, if they'd like. No equity is exchanged. (All participants receive free Repl.it credits.) Phase 2: The Prototype Month. The 5 companies spend a month building out their prototype. Weekly progress videos are shared on Frontier. Phase 3: The Championship. After a month, the winning team is selected both by popular vote and our team. The winner is awarded Pioneer Gold: $20,000 in exchange for 5% of the company. To get started, register with your name and past projects here: https://pioneer.app/challenge. See you there!
Leonard Bogdonoff
Possible good starting place for folks: https://hyper.is/
Matthew Johnson
This is really cool - excited to see what comes out of this challenge