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Tammy Camp
Growth Hacking Experiments Template — Growth strategies tightened up as templates you can steal.
kurt braget
I also strongly recommend the PILLARS system / template for growth hacks. https://medium.com/@kurtybot/pil...
Tammy Camp
@kurtybot Seems to be essentially the same. Thanks for sharing!
Jean Lucas
Cool :) already testing. Pipefy really makes it easier :)
Ira Willey
I tried to click on your logo hoping the toggle would actually work.
Maurivan Luiz
@irawilley @eytanbuchman Thanks for your feedback! Could try clicking on logo again? ;)
@douglas_correa @irawilley auehaeuhaeuhe LOL
Fernando Doege
Simple Guest rely heavily on these guys. They are very customer oriented. It's amazing that it took so long to someone develop a product like Pipefy. It saved a valuable time on our start-up.
Elia Morling
Is it only in Spanish? Tried to signup but got lost
@tribaling Just updated! thanks for the feed-back Elia!
Hey guys! Strongly recommend this template! Is the one we've been using at @500startups during the acceleration program! _o/
Tammy Camp
@alessioalionco Inspired by Brian Balfour of course.
Garenne Bigby
Awesome, thank you!
When I clicked on the video, cat music started playing. Couldn't hear Brian speak!
Melanie Brouste
We are starting Growth Hacking mission with our start-up, and this is more than useful! Really detailed and really nice Ux/Ui, which is making our work so much easier! Thank you!
Maurivan Luiz
Hello guys, I am the UX/Designer of Pipefy. Would love to hear your first impressions about your experience with us! _o/
Bryanna Blackwell
This seems super interesting. I do find that the images above are a little low quality and hard to understand, but the screenshots and the feedback below seems reliable enough to test out.
Tune Support
Needs a bit of improvement but overall great!