Send journalists the perfect product pitch.
Cliff Dailey

Pipeline — Send journalists the perfect product pitch.

Cliff Dailey
Hey all, had the idea for Pipeline a while ago and decided to hack it together over the past weekend. I love designing, hacking together and testing really simple ideas. Would love some feedback and thoughts. @imkialikethecar, what do you think?! @rrhoover seems to think you may like it :) (maybe because of the Silicon Valley show reference?)
Ryan Hoover
LOL, my friend/VB reporter, @imkialikethecar is going to love this.
Joshua Decker
LOL this is so awesome
Cliff Dailey
@jdbt Thanks! What do you like about it? Any ideas to maybe make it better, more useful?
Joshua Decker
@cliffdailey if you had a database cross referencing tech writers and topics that would be pretty sweet. For example I could select "hashtags" and see everyone who has written on the subject and choose send them an email. I'll take a closer look tomorrow on my desktop.
Cliff Dailey
@jdbt Great. Yes, it's way better experience on desktop. Thanks for the feedback!