Fred Benenson

Pitch Deck — A game about making ridiculous pitches for startup ideas.


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Elise Graham Kennedy
This is amazing! What made you guys come up with this idea?
Fred Benenson
@elisegraham Aw, thanks! I was at a friend's wedding and realized everyone had just taken an Uber from their AirBnB. After I said that aloud I realized it'd be funny to pitch X for Y companies as a party game. I kept thinking on it, and realized there was a natural breakdown between X's and Y's (Companies / Pitches / Markets, etc.). I had met Alex at XOXO the year before, and when I explained to him the idea, he was pretty excited. We started working immediately thinking we wouldn't be able to come up with enough companies, but quickly realized we'd probably have too many. A couple months later Alex and I printed a quick rough and ready prototype and play tested it with some friends and knew we were onto something. That was about a year ago!
Elise Graham Kennedy
@fredbenenson Nice! Looking forward to receiving the final product...may need to print and play with friends for now. :)
Fred Benenson
@elisegraham Yes! Please tell us if you do end up doing the PNP – we'd love feedback on how well it works.
Fred Benenson
Hey folks! I'm one of the creators of this thing – check the Kickstarter video for a good demo of how funny it is and let me know if you have any questions...