
Pitchcard: Founder or Investor - The Fantasy Football of Silicon Valley


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Hi hunters, we're back with something exciting. We invite you to be part of "The Fantasy Silicon Valley". Try to raise as much as possible with your pitch and earn the Pitch Master Badge. Or invest in the best ideas to increase your Wealth and join the "Million Dollar Club". It's up to you to be a founder or investor. What's new: - Boards like: AR/VR, Mobile, Education and more - Private Boards for your team, classroom or startup - Personalised feed with new ideas from the boards you follow - Top ideas, founders and investors - User Profiles - Analytics for your idea - And many more... We're happy to answer any question. May the spirit of Silicon Valley be with you. 🖖 P.S. Here is the story how we ended up building this:
Marc M
Awesome stuff! Can't wait to see Pitchcard grow even further. Seeing as my work on was found on Pitchcard, I hope to see many more products come from this great community, especially with the new features.
@seven11nash Thanks for your kind words and for your support over the last few months!
Adrien JOLY
I was already sharing ideas very often on Pitchcard, to get feedback and encouragement. Now this feature adds a whole new dimension in my use of the service, both as a "funder" and an "investor"! I really enjoy investing P$ on exciting ideas! And I end up giving feedback and asking many questions to funders before doing so, which, I believe, helps them making better decisions and encourage them to turn their idea into a real product/startup. Pitchcard was already an awesome product for bootstrapping, now it's also an addictive VC simulator! Great job! :-D
@adrienjoly Thank you for your feedback and sharing your ideas in Pitchcard! You are definitely one of the best Founders on Pitchcard! Keep it up!
Joshua Tabakhoff
I had many ideas during years but nowhere to share with, except my friends and family. Thanks to Pitchcard for helping me getting real feedback from everybody and for sure future customers! The P$ system is pretty interesting I have to say, it helps us to know interest's level of every investor. At first, I was lost due to a whole new feature and a bit disappointed but I now think it's really awesome! The badge system is really dope and encourage to be more invested in the platform. Now I can't live without Pitchcard to share my idea that will come a true product and avoid from reinventing the wheel! Well played guys! 😎
@satwaya Thank you for your feedback! We try to do our best working on Pitchcard and hope you keep enjoying using the app and sharing new ideas. Cheers!
Jithin Rajiv
I am using Pitchcard.. It is really amazing.. you can find me on
James O'Sullivan
I really enjoy getting feedback on my ideas. It's also a lot of fun to read other people's ideas. It's a great community on there and the people who make Pitchcard are awesome!