Adithya Shreshti

Google Pixel 2 - Ask more of your phone.

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Jamie Martin
No headphone jack, after they made fun of Apple for it last Pixel
Gary Fung
@livejamie Now they make fun of no need for 2 lenses when they can do it all with just 1. DXO test images on Pixel 2's Portrait mode (they even copied Apple's naming lol) compared to iPhone 8+ just show what a hack their software portrait mode is compared to hardware based 3D depth mapping. Hacks show mistakes. I don't want photoshop fakerey in my photos that's hit and miss. Pixel 2 vs iPhone 8+
Ali R. Tariq
@livejamie @garyfung didn't think I'd say this, but that's a pretty huge difference!
Gary Fung
@livejamie @alirtariq I'm losing faith in DXO for any objectivity. They released their (bought) review just before Pixel 2's unveil just so Google can tout its score. Talk about independent journalism? Who does this: unveil new products, and tout a review that's out just before said unveil? And this shows how big a difference like this just get glossed over in DXO's review:
Bo Wang
@livejamie @garyfung her head is wider with iphone 8
Gary Fung
@livejamie @bluemonk482 No it's not. Even if it is, it's perspective difference and not the point.
Steven Rueter
iPhone 8 by Google
Hayden Evans
@rueter Well, it's actually by HTC (Pixel 2) and LG (Pixel 2 XL) but Google doesn't want you to know that.
Steven Rueter
@hayden_evans I stand corrected. iPhone 8 by Google but not by Google.
Mike Stenhouse
@rueter @hayden_evans Google has acquired the HTC hardware team... so it actually is by Google now. 😉
Cristian Dan

Plenty of phones to buy for this price




Cheap iPhone knock off. Copied after they mocked iPhone for not having headphone jack! And expensive too for the lack of features.

Ian Smith
Which features is Pixel 2 lacking compared to iPhone?
Sergio Mattei
Well, this is really cool. I love how it does take advantage of recent phone industry trends and still manages to look unique.
Valentin D
RIP headphone jacks 😭
Kevin Lou
I. AM. IN. LOVE. The Black/White Pixel 2 XL will probably be my next phone. 😍
Daniel Grossberg
@kevinbryantlou ordered the all black version. Considered the b/w but I think any discoloration after use would drive me nuts.
Jeremy Bauer
"One simple plan. Pay $20 per month for unlimited talk and text, and $10 per GB of data — and you never pay for data you don’t use. Even when you travel abroad, you’ll still pay the same $10 per GB in over 135 countries." That's pretty sweet.
Peedu Tuisk
> "Even when you travel abroad, you’ll still pay the same $10 per GB" Shows how expensive this plan really is that they can simply cover the world-wide roaming costs from the same monthly payment. :D /european
bummer that only the XL has the smaller bezels. And no wireless charging in 2017 will be a fomo trigger every time I'm at a coffee shop/airport.
Hayden Evans
I wonder if Google will catch even a fraction of the flak that Apple did when they removed the headphone jack. Seems like a lot of people were eating some crow this morning with this announcement.
Igor Kuznetsov
Looks cheap. No offense.
Ian Smith

This is the crown jewel of Android phones at the moment. If you want to stick with iOS, go ahead—you know where to go. This is pure, unadulterated Android.


AI-focused experience, best smartphone camera... ever, unlimited, full-res photo and video storage, works with Project Fi, and more


Price could be better, a bit more water resistance would be nice

Jon Moore
Glad it's got some "edge to edge" display features and front firing speakers
Paul Hart
Why does every phone release lately have to leave something missing. C'mon Google, need dual cameras AND QI wireless charging. Price comparison to iPhone X makes it somewhat appealing.
Hayden Evans
@snakecharmer Also considering that the last Pixel was not water resistant when the comparable iPhone 7 was.
Jeffrey Wyman
This is what happens as you reach peak smartphone. The differences just aren't compelling enough to warrant a switch. They stole Apple's idea in removing the headphone jack after making fun of them with the first Pixel. I have a better name than Pixel 2 - how about the Flip Flop Fone? Hopefully they don't follow Apple too closely and start planning obsolescence into Android's OS.
Guille Garcia

From Investopedia:

"Google services do not cost the user anything. Instead, Google lures in users and collects their data, and then sells access to eager buyers across the planet. Every marketing firm in the world wants the kind of information and repeat usage Google enjoys. "

Apple: I am not saying Apple is an NGO saving the world as they desperately try to depicture themselves on their product keynotes.

They sit on the biggest, or one of the biggest, cash reserves in the world (more that what many countries have) because we pay far too much for their products.

But at least their business model is not your data, or is it?


Beautiful design, good camera, blah, blah... I believe Samsung Note 8 or Galaxy 8+ beats it tho, but that is not the point.


PRIVACY. You pay with your $$ and with your data. Please don't forget that!

Sooraj Chandran
Waiting for the release. I guess it's time to switch!
Michael Rosenau
I'm digging the power button
Product Pearson
Ordered my Pixel 2 (not XL, too big for me). Arriving October 23 apparently.
Ian Campbell
Got to like the price too
Jordan Fourcher
Idk why they made the smaller one. It looks like the blu r1hd And that isn't a good thing