Nothing wrong with using support from istock, but the inline "sponsored" images are an irritant. Particularly while scrolling on mobile. There is the watermark, yes, but could be designed differently. Other sites have done it with greater clarity. Other than that great to have another resources, and Best wishes.
@meamarvyas cheers for feedback and glad you like it :) Is it mainly the iStock watermark that is the irritant? Agree it would be much better if it was lighter. Or maybe I have missunderstood - if its something else please let us know and we'll look at it. Thanks!
@thisispixelmob I found the inline iStock images shown (one with the premium tag) on mobile to be an 'irritant' as you well put it. Maybe they could be moved to a separate section in the search results? Otherwise, all good, Cheers
hi. I just gave it a quick try. Do you have to register before seeing any of the non-iStock premium photos? they are the only few photos (3-5) displayed for my 3 test searches. Zero results from any other sources
@brent_kilner no - logged in/out does not make any difference to search results - it's just for the favoriting/saving functionality.
iStock photos are randomly inserted and in much lower quantity than the free images (assuming free images are found). Certain search terms will return higher ratio of istock if not many free images are found. These searches are generally the more niche 'commercial' terms alongside less 'obvious' keyword phrases - which are unlikely to be tagged in free photo sites, but for which the commercial folks will have someone dedicated to ensure maximum keyword coverage. If no free images are found, but istock is found, then it will only display istock. That shouldn't happen too often for most people using standard 'keyword' style searches, but for other, less 'keyword style phrases like eg 'say what', it does happen.
If you can remember your searches please let us know. We can potentially look at options to expand the search or making it more fuzzy.
@brent_kilner I've just realised what probably caused your search results to fail - the spike in traffic caused our synonyms/antonyms API to max out. It has been updated so should be fine now :)
Simple navigation and easy to use. Should improve my workflow in terms of saving for future.
Direct download would be helpful (and option to bulk download).
Congrats on the work guys!
@rickheine cheers! Glad you like the UX and hope it helps you :)
Re downloads - we link through for actual download so it is fair to the original site/source. However the large preview images mean that you should only really need to click through if you actually want to download the photo. Obv this means bulk isn't an option either. Would be cool though! Maybe we could bulk-open...but dont' think that would be great UX or heavily used feature.
I'd really like to see this working. On my end it only gives results for single words ie: Flag. It produces zero results for anything more specific, ie: American Flag. Here are the results for my searches just now, in each case I entered the singular, ie: Flag not Flags:
Photos of Canada flags
0+ free photos including "canada flag"
Photos of Usa flags
0+ free photos including "usa flag"
Photos of Ice hockeys
0+ free photos including "ice hockey"
Photos of Flowers
2.1k+ free photos including "flower"
Photos of Tarots
5+ free photos including "tarot"
Photos of Hockeys
1.5k+ free photos including "hockey"
Photos of Flags
0.4k+ free photos including "flag"
Thanks for this & sorry I missed getting back to you. I've tried to replicate and dont seem to experience the same issues eg (ice hockey - 0.9k) and (canada flag - 0.5k) - both using singulars. Will test a bit more and see if can figure out under what conditions it happens. Thanks again for feedback.
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