What a gorgeous beauty of a Mac music player and sharer! Just the thing you need when you've got to switch between iTunes, Rdio and Spotify and want to share what you're pla(a)ying. Nice!
Plaaying 1.0.1 is live. Here are the release notes.
- We have made “unpinning” the app from the menu bar consistent. You can no longer drag it out, but you can unpin both standard AND Mini design!
- Change your media source right from the gear menu
- Better Beats 1 support
- Lyric button only active for music
- Previous button matches functionality of iTunes
- Spotify intermission and timeline is working as expected
- Due to a change in Spotify all pauses will result in intermission (option click pause - does not work when using Spotify)
- Updated App icon (very minor)
- Updated Dock timer icon (very minor)
- Text changes in Preferences
- Pixel perfect menu bar icons
- Dock timer text size is larger
- Share icons are better aligned
- When a Podcast image can not be displayed we show a default podcast icon
-Lyrics and Sharing twice copy is clearer
- "Launch at Login" should work as expected
- Other minor fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused the app’s window to sometimes go over the edge of the screen.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the intermission timer to freeze when you skipped to another song using keyboard or media player