Make any website your Mac desktop wallpaper
Sindre Sorhus
Plash β€” Make any website your Mac desktop wallpaper
Plash lets you to have a highly dynamic desktop wallpaper. You could display your favorite news site, Facebook feed, a random beautiful scenery photo from Unsplash, a custom built website, etc. The possibilities are limitless. Plash requires macOS 11.
Ryan Hoover
Clever. Make PH your desktop. 😻
Mustafa S.
This is really interesting, congrats on your launch!
so good!
Sindre Sorhus
Hey PH. Plash is a free and open source app I have been working on for about 2 years. Some of you might remember Active Desktop and Plash is kinda like that, but much more powerful. The cool thing about Plash is that there are so many possibilities when you can make a website your desktop wallpaper. Here are some quick ideas of what you could show: - Random Unsplash image - Bing Photo of the Day - Clock - Calendar - Personal stats - Random color - Custom built website There are many more ideas here. You can even customize the websites using CSS and JavaScript. For example, hiding distracting elements. While Plash requires macOS 11, there's a macOS 10.15 compatible version available here. I welcome feedback, either here or through the feedback button in the app. πŸ™
Ramy Wafaa
Pretty nice idea! love it <3
Cameron Koczon
Awesome idea.
Edmond Aouad
Nice idea! Does it work on all OSs?
varun kumar Yadev
Awesome πŸ‘Œ
Sebastian Landwehr
Looks very promising 😊✌️
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Samokar Yulianna
nice idea πŸ‘Œ
Tony Mancini
Love it !
Thea Mark
Where do the images come from? Are they just screenshots that can be uploaded as wall paper?
Sindre Sorhus
@thea_mark What images are you referring to? If you mean the dog image in the above screenshot, it's Plash showing a random image from Unsplash.
Preeti Chovoor
This is a really cool idea!
Bharat Pasam
Such a cool idea!!
Krishnangshu Saha
very innovative
The dog is adorable.
Annesha Chanda
Great work!
Ulrika Pedersen
Fun and creative!
Prince Apple
I just made Ph by desktop :D