@kwdinc thanks a lot for the hunting 😉
Hi, Product Hunt! 🤘
The next episode of beloved Platforma series is here!
After the release of Platforma for Web we had plans to make huge cross-platform wireframe kit, but soon we realized that patterns in iOS and Android are different sometimes, as well as user’s flow. That’s why we separated it in two different parts and made it U-L-T-I-M-A-T-I-V-E. You may have already seen Platforma for iOS (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) and now it’s time for Android. 🙂
For Platforma we made 300+ screens based on the most popular Android design patterns according to Material Design Guidelines and combined them in 28 categories depending on their purpose and characteristics. It works extremely simple – find screens you need in categories and combine them into flow right inside Sketch.
As well as the other parts of Platforma, it could be very useful with online apps for prototyping like Marvel or Invision. Upload the screens you combined in a flowchart to one of these apps, add transitions and make it live! Don’t forget that these apps allow you to comment and discuss your wireframe.
We would love to know what you think and if you have any questions - write us to the chat on our website or leave a comment here.
Here is a code for all Product Hunters – PRODUCTHUNT20, it will give you 20% discount on Platforma Android Wireframe Kit.
Try it now – http://android.platforma.ws/
Platforma for Android is a collection of 300+ screens based on Material Design Guidelines, divided into 28 popular content categories for Sketch 41+ and later.
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