Show users a beautiful splash page while your app loads
Kevin William David
PleaseWait.js — Show users a beautiful splash page while your app loads
Pawel Janiak
This is pretty, but oh man the internet does not deserve to still have problems where solutions like this are being made. It's like flash loaders all over again, but with newer tools.
David Chase
@cynicalgrinch exactly, i dont remember last time i saw one of those being used.. you typically dont wait that long unless its an app loading some massive interface but by then i would have already left :P
Neville Samuell
@cynicalgrinch @davidchase03 Yeah, the use cases for something like this are limited to apps that have to do a lot of preloading before they are useful, like Slack, Asana, etc. I wouldn't want to see this on a news page or something similar
Irving Torres
Very nicely built. Love the simplicity and the appeal. I agree with @davidchase03 about not wanting to see this unless it's an app loading some huge interface. Regardless, really nice and I see many possible uses for it.
Nice, we use similar messages on and within the app - also inspired by Slack. Inside our app we also add a "load-out", which shows a relevant icon of the area the user wants to navigate to. E.g. clicking on 'user profile', will fade out the current screen and show a bigger centered user profile icon + section name.
Nice, how does this affect SEO or google descriptions?
Kevin William David
Love the random messages. We tried the same for inspired by Slack.
Alec Beam
Is this only for web ?
Neville Samuell
@ninjafl0w nope, it's fine for mobile too. The code is a small snippet of JS & CSS that hides the main body and shows it again when your site is ready.
John Bower ✍
Are you tracking installs?
Neville Samuell
@johnmabower no, not really. It's up on Bower and Github, which don't really track those things.
Neville Samuell
Hey there, this is another project of ours (@Pathgather). Glad you guys like it!