Uncover the talent hidden inside your business πŸ”ŽπŸŽ
Fernando Cordeiro
Pluckd Talent Search β€” Uncover the talent hiding inside your business
Pluckd Talent Search finds the best matched employees for an open position and unlock talent that would otherwise go unrecognized.
Fernando Cordeiro
Hi Product Hunt! Pluckd co-founder here! πŸ‘‹ We are excited to share Pluckd Talent Search! Pluckd is a skill management software to help teams and companies over 30+ members to identify and grow their skills. With Talent Search, hiring managers can finally be able to create elaborate skill profiles for a job or a position and find who inside their organization is best suited to tackle that challenge! πŸš€ Vision Our vision a world where people feel fulfilled by their work. To achieve that, we try to make employers realize the full potential of their employees. 🚧 What is coming: - Internal Job board - Core skills and skill gap reports - ...and many more! Gimme a howler on Twitter if you have requests! I would love to hear what you think!