
plug.dj for iOS - Stay connected to your favorite music communities on the go.


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@daeboganmusic gladly. We launched the web-version in Feb of 2012. We currently see just over 1M MAU with ~5M registered. The website is localized into 22 languages and we see logins from over 100 countries, primarily US, Brazil and much of the EU. One stat that we are really proud of is the engagement. The average user spends about 2 hours/day on plug.dj. More than Facebook. More than YouTube. It's THAT sticky! :)
Dae Bogan
@sixside Awesome stats! You're localized in 22 languages; it would be interesting to see the home country rankings of artists being played. Your engagement stat is awesome. How do you monetize that? Are you funded or bootstrapped? How big is the team and where is the HQ? Are your only audio/video sources YouTube and Soundcloud (via APIs)? Do you have plans to engage more sources? What's the age range of the average users? I have a million questions. Let me know if we're getting "too deep" and want to take this offline.
@daeboganmusic that would be an interesting report to run (Artist by Local), I'll look into that. Thanks! Monetization to this point has been through virtual goods/subscriptions for enhanced experience & premium avatars and such. In the future we would love to get more brands on-board by hosting a custom designed native-ad skin for their community. We've experimented with some artist events as well as some big-beverage brands in the past. Demo is primarily millenial, but there are older users as well that enjoy the community discovery aspect to enhance their playlists. Team: https://plug.dj/team Funding: https://crunchbase.com/organizat... Feel free to reach me direct: jason@plug.dj
Braden Hamm
So, Turntable.fm?
Dae Bogan
Cool concept. I don't think it's anything like Turntable.fm. It's a music-based SIMSOC where you can discover new music and promote music you love to people around the world who share your tastes. There's definitely a virtual concert feel to it. @sixside can you explain why your team created plug.dj and what problem it's solving or what value you're creating for music fans?
Hi @daeboganmusic, thanks for checking it out. We believe that there was (and still is) something magical about experiencing the same exact sound waves at the same exact time with people anywhere on the planet. Just like the good old-fashioned terrestrial radio. https://imgur.com/fA4fQKA The one 'flaw' with the old radio model was that there were only a few elite taste-makers. What we've found is that everyone can be a taste-maker for someone else and plug.dj empowers them to do so, in groups both large and small.
Dae Bogan
@sixside When did you launch? Can you share any early stats? How many users? How many actives? How many countries are represented? Duration stats? etc.